Not sure what’s going on?!


May 24, 2020
Hello everyone
I have a hen who has had chronic diarrhea for about a month now. She seemed fine and was eating and drinking normally. Then yesterday she became lethargic and stopped eating even her mealy worm treats. I’ve isolated her and have given her probiotics and electrolytes. She is drinking but not really eating much. This morning I found what looks like a deflated egg she had laid. She started eating it. She was with 2 other hens and they seem fine. She eats StratchnPeck layer pellets, some fermented feed, greens, watermelon and some calf manna from time to time plus mealy worm as treats. Could parasites cause her to lay an egg like I described? Also, is it safe to give worming/parasite medication as a precautionary measure? Thank you in advance for any advice!


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Unfortunately I don’t have it anymore. If you look at the picture I posted, it looks like the shell is deflated and contents next to it are the yoke and egg white from what I can tell. Are you looking for something in particular?
Unfortunately I don’t have it anymore. If you look at the picture I posted, it looks like the shell is deflated and contents next to it are the yoke and egg white from what I can tell. Are you looking for something in particular?
It was probably a lash egg, it could have been stuck in her system, making her sick. It also can be a sign of reproduction infection.
Unfortunately I don’t have it anymore. If you look at the picture I posted, it looks like the shell is deflated and contents next to it are the yoke and egg white from what I can tell. Are you looking for something in particular?
I was wondering if there was puss like stuff inside, which would mean it's a lash egg and that she would have salpingitis. Is her abdomen bloated at all?
Thank you for that insight. She doesn’t seem to be bloated and she seems to be doing better. I’m not sure if there was pus in the egg. It didn’t look like any of the pictures I found online. I’m wondering if she may be deficient in calcium which made the egg shell look deflated? Perhaps she’s not eating the oyster shell I give. She’s on layer feed though. Is there a more efficient way to give calcium? I really appreciate your help!
Thank you for that insight. She doesn’t seem to be bloated and she seems to be doing better. I’m not sure if there was pus in the egg. It didn’t look like any of the pictures I found online. I’m wondering if she may be deficient in calcium which made the egg shell look deflated? Perhaps she’s not eating the oyster shell I give. She’s on layer feed though. Is there a more efficient way to give calcium? I really appreciate your help!
I would give her calcium citrate +D3 once a day for a week and see if her eggs improve.

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