Not sure what breed this is


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 4, 2011
Westminster. MD
We bought two black australorp pullets from the local feed store in the spring. One turned out to be a rooster and we have no idea what breed the other one is. Anyone have any idea on the breed?

With the silver lacing, it looks like it might be at least part Iowa Blue (if not full). With those tail feathers curling a bit and the crown and waddle, looks like it might be a rooster tho'... My avatar is of an Iowa Blue rooster. Can check FaceBook for additional pictures of the IB's - I started the group there and posted pics of my flock there. Haven't quite figured out how to post pics here yet. LOL
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Thanks for the responses. I'm guessing EE is an auracana. We've got several auracanas and they seem to all have blue legs and this one has yellow legs so I have some lingering doubts.
WOW! That is one beautiful bird! I don' t have any idea what it is, but I hope you can keep it even if it is a 'he'!
oh yeah, EE= Easter Egger
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@turtlebird, laceynoelle Thanks, she (I hope) is pretty.

@magicpigeon Sorry to cause offense. I did NOT mean to make you upset. Any slight was NOT intentional. I'm new to this forum. It seems very important to you that I know that an EE is NOT an Auracanas. Thank you, I will NOT make that mistake again.
True American Araucanas are tufted and rumpless. Ameraucanas have a beard/muffs and tail. Both breeds have pea combs, slate colored legs, lay blue eggs, and come in specific colors. Easter Eggers (EEs) may or may not have a beard/muffs, pea comb, usually have greenish colored legs, and can lay eggs in a wide variety of colors. EEs are not a recognized breed and come in a huge rainbow of colors. Hatcheries perpetuate the myth that all three are the same bird by selling EEs as "Ameraucanas", "Araucanas", or "Americanas". It's always a huge debate on here about them. As long as you are happy with the chicken and it does what you want it to do, then enjoy it and the wonderful eggs it will produce.

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