Not Trying To Start A Political Debate Or Any Of That Junk

Gerald Ford only Preisident that was not elected as president or vice-president.

He was also a Male Model........

Two presidents died because of their Doctor.

Goerge Washington.....his doc bled him , die lack of blood.

James Garfield........was shot.....but improper care by doctors at the time died from infection of the wound.
Bill Clinton was not impeached. He underwent the impeachment process, but wasn't impeached.

not sort of HE WAS...same with A. Johnson he wasn't removed either
most would say G . Washington....he was the first elected.

John Hanson........was the first American President
George Washington was the 1 st after the Constitution To be Elected and term were to be 4 years at a time. The reason he is the first president of the USA.

before that Presidents of the US were 1 year terms. 7 terms before Washington took office.
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Lot about the Past President , I have studied and some still stuck in my brain..

Like how many year can a President be in Office...which one was in Office the longest....which ...was the heaviest. how many were kill in office ,how many died in office, how many were never elected President.

AquaEye that was a good one....buts even could ask alot of people that...some wouldn't know G. Washington was first elected President of the USA....Which the 7 before were not Presidents of the USA.
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