Not what you want to come home to (long) blood results post #67


Has Fainting Chickens
14 Years
Dec 25, 2007
Chaparral, New Mexico
I was out late tonight, worried about the younger ones who have never been out of their little house at night, knowing the gate was shut to it because I put out two little ones this morning that were much smaller and needed the privacy.
So we pull in, Steven goes around back to feed the dogs and I go through the front to take care of the birds. The porch light was off, it was dark, so I unlocked the front door, reached in and turned on the porch light. I turned around to come back down the stairs and it looked like someone had been murdered on my front porch. There was blood everywhere, not little drops, I mean pools of blood, it was coagulating but still bright red. It was on the table, the concrete, the steps, just everywhere. I was yelling for Steven to grab a flashlight and help find whomever had been attacked.
He comes running out looks at it and notices something I in my panic had not notice; there were no feathers, just a lot blood, so no birds had been torn up on the porch.

We started looking around the yard and found no evidence of any hurt animals anywhere, I started to worry about my dogs, and that they had possible gotten in front and attacked someone on my porch so we went out back and checked them out, they were clean, no blood. So by now I'm really getting upset because there is a ton of blood on my porch, and I don't know why. We found all the babies and put them to bed, did a head count, everyone was accounted for. The porch chickens, Blue Roo, The Sisters, Penny, Turk, White Boy and family, and Nugget were all accounted for. The ducks were all accounted for.

We went back out into the front yard with flashlights, checked the drive way for anything, nothihg. But as we walked back up on the porch we saw underneath were Nugget was roosting, was a lot more blood. So I picked up Nugget to see if there was something in the wooden box he likes to sit on, then I found where the blood came from, it was coming from Nugget.

I don't know if he was defending his hens, the whole flock or what, but the spur on his right leg is torn off and had been bleeding very badly for quite awhile. It had stopped by then, or at least down to just dripping every now and then. He's not acting like he's in pain or anything or in shock, but I'm really worried about the amount of blood he's lost. He's limping, I put him down and made him walk so I could see him move, but he doesn't act like it hurts too much. I was going to wash it off but don't want to start the bleeding again, his foot is just covered in gooey half-dried blood. All the birds on the porch are very subdued, so something went down out there, I just don't know what.
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Aww. I'm sorry you had to come home to that, it would have scared me to death! and Poor Nugget, I hope he feels better soon.
Holey moley. Clean, gauze and a wrap he can't remove. Triple antibiotic without the 'caine. Extra treats, and lots of kisses on his big ole beak.

Nugget, this is for you bud!

ETA, as if you didn't already know this! Hugs for you and Steven, too!
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This is the least offensive pic I could put up of part of the mess. It is one of my tents in the bag on the porch and it is soaked with his blood. This is an area about 7 inches by 16 inches.
WOW! Just that picture alone is alot of blood for a rooster!! I can't believe he bled so much!
Poor baby, I hope his leg gets better soon! I hope some of the blood was from the other guy!!!

I'm sorry you had such a scare!
WOW!! so sorry to heat that Nugget was hurt. I know that he is your "main man"!!!

I know that you know all about keeping him confined and quiet. If he has lost a lot of blood (obviously!!), you should make sure that he gets lots of water. Others can tell you what to put in the water.

My prayers are with you!!
If I did not find what it was I would have called the cops maybe... I imagine that would have gone over well. I wonder what it was that got its behind whoooped and maybe has a spur sticking out of it.

SO glad everyone is ok!!
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Wow that is a LOT of blood and I know about not posting the worse pictures so I can only imagine. I can not wait to find out if you know what happened. I will pray for his quick recovery.

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