November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Wow, that's a lot of losses! Do you think shipping had something to do with it? I'm on day 21 of my first hatch. I put in 3 chicken eggs and 3 duck eggs (from my chickens/ ducks). Half way through had to toss out 2 of the chicken eggs (they had a blood ring). The rest are doing great Just hoping the chicken pips soon!

Yes. I think it was shipping. The batch that had 50% hatch was really well packed. It had the eggs bubble wrapped INA small box surrounded by balloons in a large box. The batch that had none hatch was sent wrapped in tissue type paper in an egg carton surrounded by packing peanuts in a medium flat rate box. The batch that had one was a week late being shipped, so they sent 10 extras all in bubble wrap in a box stuffed with paper. One was broke in shipping and my son pulled the box away from me breaking 3 more.

Buff Brahma out and in the dry off bator with the little Maran chick from yesterday. Lots more pips on them and the Silkie eggs. Pulled the Marans eggs that where over due, had 2 clears, 2 late quitters and 5 dead in shell. I guess marans are not in my future. Out of 55 Maran eggs (17-18-20) from 3 shippers I indeed up with 9 babies (8-0-1).
I am sorry about the Marans. I have heard that they are tough to hatch...something about the thicker shell?? Great news on the rest of the babies!
It's day 21 and nothing. Although I already knew this going into LD. Such a shame.
Well today is actually hatch day... and I'm pretty well done. So far, 20 out of 22 eggs have hatched. One was 12 hours earlier than everyone else, the last one was mid morning today. The 2 left appear to have developed to full term, but I do not see internal pips...or any movement. Both are my Brahma eggs. I will leave them for a couple of days to see. All 4 of the "test" refrigerator eggs have hatched. That was kinda crazy. Kept in the fridge at 40 degrees with pointy end up and no turning for over 2 weeks, I really didn't expect them to hatch. My Light Brahma eggs continue to be a problem. Lots of clears, a few quitters. Only one has made it to hatching in this batch. For one, it appears that the rooster is partial to one hen. She looks like she's been "rode hard and put up wet". The other is looking like Elvis. Not a hair out of place. The eggs are kinda porous, but not as bad as some pics I have seen. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can improve my luck with these eggs? Maybe I shouldn't even be hatching them at all. The hens get exactly the same as the other hens. Oyster shell always available free choice. Is it genetic? What do I do with a rooster who will only breed with one of the two hens? (Besides BBQ him. :) ) I am not hatching anything else this year. I mean it! Lol! I am considering swapping my 2 roosters to get a different mix. Should I move the roosters to the new hens? or move the hens to the rooster? I know that sort of thing matters when breeding rabbits... figured I better ask about the chickens.
OK, lots of questions there. Maybe some of you with far more experience than I can give me some insight!

Good luck to all of you going into lockdown! Happy hatching!
4 English Orps.......1 Serama pipped..........................
Not that I am watching the incubator every 1/2 hr..........................
Well today is actually hatch day... and I'm pretty well done. So far, 20 out of 22 eggs have hatched. One was 12 hours earlier than everyone else, the last one was mid morning today. The 2 left appear to have developed to full term, but I do not see internal pips...or any movement. Both are my Brahma eggs. I will leave them for a couple of days to see. All 4 of the "test" refrigerator eggs have hatched. That was kinda crazy. Kept in the fridge at 40 degrees with pointy end up and no turning for over 2 weeks, I really didn't expect them to hatch. My Light Brahma eggs continue to be a problem. Lots of clears, a few quitters. Only one has made it to hatching in this batch. For one, it appears that the rooster is partial to one hen. She looks like she's been "rode hard and put up wet". The other is looking like Elvis. Not a hair out of place. The eggs are kinda porous, but not as bad as some pics I have seen. Anyone have any ideas as to how I can improve my luck with these eggs? Maybe I shouldn't even be hatching them at all. The hens get exactly the same as the other hens. Oyster shell always available free choice. Is it genetic? What do I do with a rooster who will only breed with one of the two hens? (Besides BBQ him. :) ) I am not hatching anything else this year. I mean it! Lol! I am considering swapping my 2 roosters to get a different mix. Should I move the roosters to the new hens? or move the hens to the rooster? I know that sort of thing matters when breeding rabbits... figured I better ask about the chickens.
OK, lots of questions there. Maybe some of you with far more experience than I can give me some insight!

Good luck to all of you going into lockdown! Happy hatching!
well in "my opinion" it sounds like the parents nutrition....chick food is a wonderful base but so much more is needed.

I have crumbles mixed with scratch available at all times but once a day they get a semi fermented mix of food....I only ferment with apple cider vinegar fresh daily...I can't stomach the fermented feed that sits in a barrel non stop....anyway I mix their food with hot water, oatmeal, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, cayenne pepper, garlic powder and any left overs in the fridge that no one wants....the apple cider vinegar helps strengthen their immune system....cayenne pepper and garlic boost them and us in so many ways....many people swear that it cures they get treats...I buy them mustard leaves and turnip greens...I started that because my guineas need they're fruits and veg but all the chickens love them too! I add apple cider vinegar or vitamins to their water the summer they get electrolytes and vitamin mix...

I have to say their feathers are vibrant and so are their combs and waddles the most beautiful red....and every girl lays almost everyday...they slow a little in very wet weather...but if I incubate an egg it hatches!

well that's what I do here!

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