November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

So two of the eggs still in the brooder I know for sure are moving still after candling. One in particular I cant tell if it internal pipped or not, it seems like there is movement IN the air cell. WOuld that imply it internal pipped? If so would it be time to assist?
Hello and welcome!!!
fellow Oregonian here :) I am also on my first hatch (day 13) and learning a lot. I highly recommend waiting until it gets dark outside to candle. Even with the blinds shut, it's still too light. Once I started candling in a pitch-dark room, it helped a lot! Also remember to candle from the big end to see the air bubble.

One trick I learned to separate the clears from the developing, I would hold the egg horizontal on my closed fist, with the candle light in my hand. The yolk, as you know, is dead center inside the egg. It's held there by a small string called the chalaza. The baby chicken is hanging onto that yolk. So what I would do, is slowly move the light from the small end, pointing through the clear, towards the left side of the yolk, then the other side - through the clear, toward the right side of the yolk. By doing this side-to-side left-right movement rapidly, I could really identify what was in the very very center of the egg. This helped me confirm some as alive, and others as clears. I waited until day 12 to remove the clears though.
Definitely did it at night with all lights off. Removed 8 non-fertiles tonight, not waiting for a smell! There are a few more questionables but I will wait until next week to make sure. All my Marans eggs seem to be developing though, so I'm happy about that!
So two of the eggs still in the brooder I know for sure are moving still after candling. One in particular I cant tell if it internal pipped or not, it seems like there is movement IN the air cell. WOuld that imply it internal pipped? If so would it be time to assist?

1/4 down this page there is a photo of an internal pip for comparison

wait 24 hours after internal pip to assist iirc?
Looked in on incubator this a.m.
3 are now pipped; cheeping
I put the 3 closer together; have a feeling didn't find all the pipped eggs don't want to leave lid open too long
So, I wait. Anticipation, light thrill - still a long way to go to viability.
Well they are here!! So far 3 have completely hatched and are running around the incubator, still wet but starting to look like little fluff balls! Two more have "pipped" I think that is the right turn, they have a hole and cracks starting to form, I can see them stick their beaks out and move around :) . The other two have no signs of anything yet, but 5 out of 7 for my first hatch is very exciting. These are New Hampshire Reds.

Now, I can't figure out this picture thing. I have photobucket, but cant get it to work. Which one do y'all use to paste?

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