November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

My friend just hatched her first two red Dorking chicks yesterday. Still waiting on the third. What color are your dorkings and where did you get the eggs?

Red I think, I found them on E-Bay; which was nearly as addicting as hatching is
Bought a GCF cause the other brand let me down one too many times. So far no weeping eggshells, from any of the breeds I had set.
Moved Dorkings and a few of the Silkies, RIR, maybe the Jersey Giants; to old bator now reliquished to hatcher/brooder. Temp & humidity holding well. but is in living room
where it is noisier than previous environment. Have not heard anything more since moving eggs out of turner. Waiting patiently, with belief that good things are on the way. :)
DeannaA do you have pics?

Checked this a.m. temperature dropped below 90 if thermometer (both the bator AND hatcher) (WAHH!)

my pullets aren't laying yet. I'm really close to just giving up.
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Red I think, I found them on E-Bay; which was nearly as addicting as hatching is
Bought a GCF cause the other brand let me down one too many times. So far no weeping eggshells, from any of the breeds I had set.
Moved Dorkings and a few of the Silkies, RIR, maybe the Jersey Giants; to old bator now reliquished to hatcher/brooder. Temp & humidity holding well. but is in living room
where it is noisier than previous environment. Have not heard anything more since moving eggs out of turner. Waiting patiently, with belief that good things are on the way. :)
DeannaA do you have pics?
She just hatched these 2 from her trio, 2 days ago. 1 male and 1 female.

These are her 2 hens and rooster. She got them from Kelley Creek Farms.



Y'all are so active on here! Every time I get on I'm about 300 posts behind!!!
I love seeing everyone's baby chick pics.
My New Year's hatch a long quail have finally started! I didn't candle because they are so small, but I had over 100 in there. This morning there are about 40 running around in the bator. There's like 75 eggs left, so I guess we will see what hatches. I was worried I wouldn't get any since the delivery went 2 days over and it was cold!

My 7 month old Australorp/Ameraucana/White Leghorn mix breed hen that went broody is now a first time mom! I gave her 6 eggs, 2 of them turned out infertile(clear) and I had 2 quitters at different stages but two of them hatched very happy and healthy. I added a heat lamp to the coop just in case one of the little chicks falls out of the nest box and doesn't know how to get back to the ramp to get back to mom. I don't want to wake up to frozen chicks. She hasn't quite abandoned the last egg but I don't have much hope of it hatching, I didn't see any movement in the egg when candling and the other two chicks were completely hatched and fluffy already early yesterday morning.

The eggs were Blue Orpingtons, does the lighter color chick look light enough to be a splash? I haven't seen splash as day old chicks yet.


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