November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

my pip from 5 30 this afternoon is zipping!! so I'm sitting here watching it!
The eggs went in lockdown last night. Out of 23, 22 looked to be ok. One quit early. This afternoon, I had some bills to pay and a checkbook to balance, so I sat down at my desk and got to work after a quick peek at the eggs, temps and humidity. Nothing happening and nothing was expected anyhow... just checking! Here I was with my head buried in paperwork and I hear... PEEP!!! Whaaa? I jerked my head around (ya, my incubator is in my office. lol) and there is a chick, all pipped, zipped and the top popped off! Day 19, I was not expecting that so soon! I don't see anything else happening yet, tho I had several that had internal pips when I put them in lockdown. Poor thing is lonely! That's ok, it'll get lots of rest and will probably terrorize everyone else when they start hatching. Last hatch, everyone was out within 24 hours. I don't think I should expect that to happen again! Odd how they all take a different amount of time to hatch when they were all set at the same time. When I candle, I rotate eggs the eggs farthest from the bulbs to the front row... kinda trying to make sure no one is stuck with a "cool spot" the whole time.

Sunday we finished our second A frame tractor and decided to move the rest of the last hatch in. It was late afternoon and I figured they would enjoy a couple of hours of scratching in the grass and rolling in the sand. Well... one of them got away from my husband during the move and she would NOT be caught. She disappeared under the deck and evidently found a place to sleep for the night that was safe from the cat or whatever else was out there that might eat a young chicken. I was so worried for her. This morning I saw her out by the big chicken coop, but she didn't hang out there long before she FLEW as fast as she could across the open space back to the house. I was standing there inside the screen door watching her. She eyed me a few times... walked right up on the front porch. I opened up the screen door and in she came. I picked her up with some minor protest squawks and carried her back out to her sisters. She seemed so thankful! The first group has finally figured out where they are supposed to go to bed. It only took a week of stuffing them up there before they caught on. Now we're teaching the second group. I hope they are smarter!

Come on chickie chickies! Mama is waiting!
Well i went and picked up another 6 Coturnix eggs today, and 2 hens... that now makes 20 coturnix in the bator... hatch will be 8 days apart...

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