November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

One of my new coturnix hens seems to have a curled toe, it litrally curles back round on itself...

her nail was imbedded in the soft part (ie; like a pad and due-claw seen in dogs)

i have removed the obstruction (nail) and bathed in betadine...

it does seen the toe was broken in a previous event, and i'm not sure if this can be fixed....

The baby i was worried about was hatched when i got up this morning!

is it a loner??
Eggs due to hatch's now Tuesday...

No pipping from others, but egg 1 must have passed away while I was had tried, but those little eyes were lifeless.

I'm a first timer at incubating, and I watched them with such intensity and research the past weeks, I feel so discouraged... :hit
Eggs due to hatch's now Tuesday...

No pipping from others, but egg 1 must have passed away while I was had tried, but those little eyes were lifeless.

I'm a first timer at incubating, and I watched them with such intensity and research the past weeks, I feel so discouraged...
awe I'm sorry...
what breed? where did you get them? and yesterday was your first due date?
awe I'm sorry...
what breed? where did you get them? and yesterday was your first due date?

Yes, yesterday started the due dates. I know to sit on my hands, though. :(

They have RIR, Orpingtons, and Colombian Rock for mothers, the fathers are questionable...they are from my own chickens and a neighbor. :/
One of my new coturnix hens seems to have a curled toe, it litrally curles back round on itself...

her nail was imbedded in the soft part (ie; like a pad and due-claw seen in dogs)

i have removed the obstruction (nail) and bathed in betadine...

it does seen the toe was broken in a previous event, and i'm not sure if this can be fixed....

hi matt1jsh you should go to vet with a dew claw the vet in most cases removes the toe eliminating the problem from reoccurance its been a long time since i went to vet in melbourne area so i cant recommend anyone in particular specializing in avian treatment. if its an open wound infection is biggest problem and what youre doing is great course of action but if you think its going to happen again maybe the tip of the toe can be removed they get around fine. some of my breeder birds have a toe tip removed when i asked a breeder about this i was horrified to learn this is a very old way of identifing the bird it is done when they are chicks maybe it used to be done to stop anyone from showing them i dont know and couldnt imagine doing that to a perfect chick. i am disgusted to think someone would even sell you a bird in that condition. you are getting a rough deal from these breeders.
what kind of incubator are you many hydrometers are you using? if they've had cooling periods during their incubation that would cause them to hatch a little "late"
did you candle them before you raised the humidity?

A Styrofoam still air incubator from TSC,;-still-air-incubator

Yes, I candled before lockdown...only one seemed to have not made it, but the others had large dark I'm still hopeful.

How long would you recommend waiting past Wednesday? The weekend?

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