November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Welcome! I'm on my first hatch, and using a styrofoam incubator I made. Temps and humidity are perfect but the eggs aren't developing that I can see. Tomorrow is
Day 6. Anyway, I also have a boxer (he's 8) and I adore African Greys. Have you ever read the book about Alex?
Probably to early to candle.I candle day11.I know some do it earlier but I always afraid I will throw away an egg that is just slow...........
Good Luck

24 of 24 eggs are veiny and growing!!! Double Yoker Thor is looking great, the presumed double yoker pretzel I think is just one now but i kinda thought that might happen as the other part was really small.

Here is a candled pic of Thor!

24 of 24 eggs are veiny and growing!!! Double Yoker Thor is looking great, the presumed double yoker pretzel I think is just one now but i kinda thought that might happen as the other part was really small.

Here is a candled pic of Thor!
I hope you keep us up to date on Thor, this egg seems very special! When is your hatch date?
Hi everyone! Accidentally posted in the main thread earlier! OOPS! LOL I am new to hatching and expecting our first hatch on SUNDAY! Very excited! We have been raising chickens for about seven years. We have various kinds of chickens and we love them ALL! We actually have 2 coops, a bantam coop and a coop for my "bigger chickens."
This month we had our first hen go broody and hatch her first eggs. Sadly three hatched but only one survived. My 2 young daughters (4 and 6) have fondly named her Peeperella and she is currently living the good life in the house due to the early cold weather here in WV! We did make one mistake with this hatch (that we know of so far.) We set eggs on a few different days, so we are actually going to have a few hatch days in the coming days/weeks. Mistake we will not make again!

We are using a homemade stryofoam incubator. Our temps/humidity have been very good throughout this hatch and when I candled the eggs everything seemed good, at least to my amateur eye.

Also, I not only have 2 beautiful little girls and 28 (and growing) hens and roosters, but also a 7 year old Boxer and an 8 year old Boston Terrier along with the boss of the house, our African Grey Parrot Clark who at times could be confused with a chicken, dog, or person depending on the voice he chooses to use that day! Crazy but happy family!!
wanted to post here to introduce myself, because I have a feeling I will be needing advice or just want to share pics and the excitement of our first hatch!! Good luck with your new peepers!!!
WELCOME ABOARD =D Happy hatching

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