November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Those pictures are almost duplicates of mine. I guess turkeys all over the world like to text. I thought the poult would be grey. I can't wait to see the pictures of him growing up. Max is a texting fool. He's even sent a few. As far as poop, I took some of my socks and cut holes for the legs and wings and made Max jammies. I left room for poo at the butt and put in a piece of panty liner. After a week he didn't poop while in bed. There are chicken diapers online. The socks only lasts a few weeks before he's too big. I had to make new ones every 5 days or so. They grow soooo fast. I think Max grew 2" last night.
At first he will act like he's dying, but then he will be just fine. He won't want to sleep alone. I kept waking up with Max in my hair, under my arm, on my chest, under the covers. I finally gave up trying to put him back in his heating pad. He is a great cuddler.

CC Only - we got our first one from them and it's held up well.  We are just upgrading to a bigger size....chicken math and all that.  ;)

What is CC?

Just google "CC Only" - its a company that makes chicken coops only. But generally smaller, limited to 12 hens or less.
Stormy has discovered the joys of mealworms. He can't get enough of them! Also his new nickname is "Booger"...he actually tried to stick his beak up my husbands nose and peck at him a few times! Eeeewwwwwwww!
I'm gonna go grab him for a cuddle...
Just google "CC Only" - its a company that makes chicken coops only. But generally smaller, limited to 12 hens or less.
Stormy has discovered the joys of mealworms. He can't get enough of them! Also his new nickname is "Booger"...he actually tried to stick his beak up my husbands nose and peck at him a few times! Eeeewwwwwwww!
I'm gonna go grab him for a cuddle...
I finally got Max to stop doing that to me. MAx doesn't like mealworms, they aren't cooked and there's no gravy. Max won't eat it if I'm not eating it. Here is my turkey roosting in one of his favorite spots. Laptop screen was getting too small.

I finally got Max to stop doing that to me. MAx doesn't like mealworms, they aren't cooked and there's no gravy. Max won't eat it if I'm not eating it. Here is my turkey roosting in one of his favorite spots. Laptop screen was getting too small.

What you have to look forward to. Very silly turkey.

Just put my first ever batch into the Bator! Octagon 20 Advanced with 44 Tibetan Coturnix quail (mail order eggs) and 20 Jumbo Pharoahs from my home flock.

Of course I am crazy and ordered a 2nd Bator at the same time, (Octagon 20 ECO) and will put the remaining 22 or so Tibetans and another 15 or so Pharoah in the morning. I've read up on all the do's and dont's and probably still doing a lot of it wrong, but we'll see how it goes!
Still not seeing any movement from any eggs, including the pipped egg, but the pipped egg is cheep cheep cheeping away in there! I should be in bed since it's 12:30 am...but I just can't!! I know as soon as I do this little one is going to pop out! So it will be day 21 at 3:00p.m. Saturday and already one pip! Off to a better start than last hatch for sure! And this is an egg I wasn't SURE about! I know there are plenty of other good ones to go! Long night and day ahead!!
remember even after they pip they may rest for up to 24 hrs before even moving and hatching- you have time get your rest!

I'm a little worried. I know I read that if the membrane looks very white it may be drying. The membrane, or the tiny bit I can SEE of it, does appear very white. But the chick is cheeping a lot. So it's not in distress then , is it?

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