November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Well my hatch is over and I had 10 out of 14 so that's my best hatch yet. Well best out of 3. I love my cuties from Mary our fellow BYC'er on here! Cutest silkies ever! Or at least in my opinion.

I wasn't home this afternoon to let my hens in the laundry room so no one laid an egg after I left. 4 were due to. They will be doing the egg dance first thing in the morning or there will be 4 poop covered eggs on the floor of the coop. When I'm home, I get 6-7 eggs a day. If I'm not home, 1-3 depending on how early I leave. My crazy chickens won't lay without me. I have one hen that doesn't care. She is the only one I got that was older than 3 months when I bought her. She is also the one that sits on the nest all day then goes to bed in the coop at night. It's gets below freezing so I can't imagine the eggs will survive. Every morning she gets back on after she eats.
Hi all, lots of catching up on posts to do for me...

We are on Day 20! No pips yet but we are anxiously waiting.... and waiting... Last hatch we had most on day 19 and 20, but the temp was higher then. We've had some temp flucuation issues the first week or wouldnt be surprised if pipping happens after day 21. Either way, hoping! :)
Max update-

Max is still famous even thou Thanksgiving is over but the picture taking has slowed a bit. Only 7 times today. I think he maybe slightly depressed at the thought that he might be fading in the public eye. I reminded him Christmas (another turkey eating holiday) will soon be here and he will be famous again. He still ate chocolate ice cream twice today. I get it. Chocolate makes everything better.

We also had a cheapo frozen pizza taste test. I think Totinos is good, the rest yuck (I don't think my dog has even finished them off). Max said they all suck but he like gas station pizza. He said that frozen pizza isn't really pizza. The ancient argument over frozen pizza/gas station pizza. We agreed to disagree. I still love Max and he snuggled before going to bed. Mommy/turkey love is stronger than pizza. Until he finds out he has never tasted real pizza...
just keep your humidity up at this point...from experience I can tell you there is a possibility that the membrane dried a little during the drop and when you pumped it back up it gets gooey...keep your eye on the chicks as they pip....if after 36 hrs they are trying to zip and not able to circle the shell then you may need to'll know because it's start breaking the shell just close to where it pips bigger but not turning....
they pip, most of the time, a full 24 hrs before they zip...DO NOT RUSH

pipping doesn't mean ready to mean they are ready to breath
sit on you hands!


One pipped! I m sitting on my hands!

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