November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Hey everyone! I'm new to hatching and BYC! I'm half way through my first hatch. I have 3 khaki campbells 2 pekins and 1 Indian Runner in my home made incubator and everyone seems to be doing great! I CAN'T WAIT to start seeing some pips!! With my next hatch I might do quail just so I don't have to wait 4 weeks!!!
In uncharacteristically FREEZING weather (headed for about 10 tonight) I am grateful that all my birds are fine with unfrozen water. The 13 two week old chicks have their broody GLW "auntie" and a heat lamp, and the BCM, BBS Marans, Rhodebar and Isbar eggs are snuggy warm at 99.5 in the incubator. It is expected to be even colder tomorrow night.

Most of the shipped eggs (Rhodebar and Isbar) had detached air cells, some had partly reattached. 4 of the Rhodebar eggs had blood rings at day 7 and were removed. I am not confident about the shipped eggs at all...most of them have ?? on their shells now and I will candle again tomorrow (day10) to see what I can see. One of the Marans X Welsummer eggs slipped out of my hand while weighing and cracked...with an embryo in it. I miscandled one of the Marans X RIR as clear and it also had an embryo. I feel like I really screwed up on those two.
4 eggs from my young flock were infertile (and I expected them to be, the cockerel is just 4 months old but he was mounting the pullets so I thought why not?). Down to 37 from 48 eggs and expect to take some more out tomorrow. It's a numbers game, but I still feel badly about those two I killed by accident and inexperience.
In uncharacteristically FREEZING weather (headed for about 10 tonight) I am grateful that all my birds are fine with unfrozen water. The 13 two week old chicks have their broody GLW "auntie" and a heat lamp, and the BCM, BBS Marans, Rhodebar and Isbar eggs are snuggy warm at 99.5 in the incubator. It is expected to be even colder tomorrow night.

Most of the shipped eggs (Rhodebar and Isbar) had detached air cells, some had partly reattached. 4 of the Rhodebar eggs had blood rings at day 7 and were removed. I am not confident about the shipped eggs at all...most of them have ?? on their shells now and I will candle again tomorrow (day10) to see what I can see. One of the Marans X Welsummer eggs slipped out of my hand while weighing and cracked...with an embryo in it. I miscandled one of the Marans X RIR as clear and it also had an embryo. I feel like I really screwed up on those two.
4 eggs from my young flock were infertile (and I expected them to be, the cockerel is just 4 months old but he was mounting the pullets so I thought why not?). Down to 37 from 48 eggs and expect to take some more out tomorrow. It's a numbers game, but I still feel badly about those two I killed by accident and inexperience.
that's happened to a lot of us...I dropped an egg I was moving to the hatcher and killed the chick....just a few months ago!!
try not to beat yourself up but I know how bad you feel!
Ya'll are active today, I can barely keep up!!!!

I have 2 olive eggers out, my one dark brahma/ blue copper marans mix (that I soooo hope is a girl!) pipping, and 3 black copper marans & 3 olive eggers I'm still holding out on. A couple a rattling around a bit. I think my hatch date was really supposed to be tomorrow morning (I have the worst memory on when I put these things in) so holding out hope the last 6 hatch!

Hey everyone! I'm new to hatching and BYC! I'm half way through my first hatch. I have 3 khaki campbells 2 pekins and 1 Indian Runner in my home made incubator and everyone seems to be doing great! I CAN'T WAIT to start seeing some pips!! With my next hatch I might do quail just so I don't have to wait 4 weeks!!!

Let me know if you want hactching eggs for quail, we raise ans sell them on ebay . :)
I'm about to go have some fun and put Little Boogs in turkey heaven - we raise mealworms for the hens (down in the basement of course - can't have company seeing a file cabinet full of worms....eeewwww!!!!).

Anyway, he's decided that they are his favorite treat EVER....gonna take video on my camera....hopefully I'll be able to upload it....he normally has been getting a small bowl as his evening treat, and goes insane for them...seeing a thousand yum yums squirming under his feet may just make his lil head explode....stay tuned....but gotta make dinner first so it'll be an hour or two....

Took a while to load to YouTube but here is the video link!

that's happened to a lot of us...I dropped an egg I was moving to the hatcher and killed the chick....just a few months ago!!
try not to beat yourself up but I know how bad you feel!
we have hatched about 35 chicks in our dinning room, i will never do it in the winter again as i had fuzz all over the living room which was where we moved them to which was the warm room, a few were our own eggs and a few from a store that sold eggs for hatching, next time i may get them at the action that also sells them most in the sping, i did get peeps in the mail from mcmurry's the red sexlicks look good the black sex licks are a beatiful bird but have 2 that don't look like the rest, one had no feathers and now 34 weeks later it has fuzz not feathers.

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