November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

In uncharacteristically FREEZING weather (headed for about 10 tonight) I am grateful that all my birds are fine with unfrozen water. The 13 two week old chicks have their broody GLW "auntie" and a heat lamp, and the BCM, BBS Marans, Rhodebar and Isbar eggs are snuggy warm at 99.5 in the incubator. It is expected to be even colder tomorrow night.

Most of the shipped eggs (Rhodebar and Isbar) had detached air cells, some had partly reattached. 4 of the Rhodebar eggs had blood rings at day 7 and were removed. I am not confident about the shipped eggs at all...most of them have ?? on their shells now and I will candle again tomorrow (day10) to see what I can see. One of the Marans X Welsummer eggs slipped out of my hand while weighing and cracked...with an embryo in it. I miscandled one of the Marans X RIR as clear and it also had an embryo. I feel like I really screwed up on those two.
4 eggs from my young flock were infertile (and I expected them to be, the cockerel is just 4 months old but he was mounting the pullets so I thought why not?). Down to 37 from 48 eggs and expect to take some more out tomorrow. It's a numbers game, but I still feel badly about those two I killed by accident and inexperience.

So sorry! You know what happened with my 12 just a week ago. We are only human.
my black sexlinks are going on 9 weeks old and still are only half feathered!!
did yours have fuzz when it was 2 weeks old? mine was bare, no fuzz no feathers, it really looks sick, but i don't think it is as it is laying and eating good, i think i am going to take a picture of it and send to mcmurry's see if they can tell me what is wrong. i am thinking about getting her a chicken sweater.
well I got no mail today...because of the weather...that means my Marans eggs are frozen solid on a mail truck somewhere

So Sorry!

I have good news and bad news. My eggs arrived today! YAY!! Bad news...there was yolk all over the squished box when they got here.

Why can post people not READ that it said FRAGILE HATCHING EGGS on EVERY side of the blooming box! GEEZ PEOPLE! They were packed so well, too! The end result was 2 TOTALLY smashed eggs and a few more cracked, 11 in tact eggs left. Hopefully they won't be impacted too much by the obvious rough handling they had en route to me. Thank you again!!!
oh boy! I'm glad 11 made it!
remember my polish out of 5 only 3 made it and are dancing in their shells... so there is hope
I'm still hopeful! I did a quick candle this evening and from what I can see this early, they look good. Letting them set this evening and in the morning I will be putting them in the bator! I ended up having a couple eggs from my frizzles that I am going to set with them, so it will be fine. Crossing my fingers! Just wish there was a better way to get eggs to and from places. THe postal service doesn't do the best job with this task! But I guess this is something all of you have known for a while and I am just discovering for myself.

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