November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I'm about to go have some fun and put Little Boogs in turkey heaven - we raise mealworms for the hens (down in the basement of course - can't have company seeing a file cabinet full of worms....eeewwww!!!!).

Anyway, he's decided that they are his favorite treat EVER....gonna take video on my camera....hopefully I'll be able to upload it....he normally has been getting a small bowl as his evening treat, and goes insane for them...seeing a thousand yum yums squirming under his feet may just make his lil head explode....stay tuned....but gotta make dinner first so it'll be an hour or two....

Max gets excited for chocolate icecream and cottage pie.
Took a while to load to YouTube but here is the video link!

So cute. I love my Max but I miss when he was so tiny.

we have hatched about 35 chicks in our dinning room, i will never do it in the winter again as i had fuzz all over the living room which was where we moved them to which was the warm room, a few were our own eggs and a few from a store that sold eggs for hatching, next time i may get them at the action that also sells them most in the sping, i did get peeps in the mail from mcmurry's the red sexlicks look good the black sex licks are a beatiful bird but have 2 that don't look like the rest, one had no feathers and now 34 weeks later it has fuzz not feathers.
Do you have a picture of the 34 week old fuzzy chicken? There is a featherless breed that someone is working on.
My second churn is done and my first dog bowl.

Max's picture of the day. "Burrrr, it's cold outside." And a backup, cuddle buddies, not that my dog has any choice.
Oh Max. :love

And the featherless chicken is real. It's a goal some folks in the Naked Neck thread are striving for. Some carry a "scaleless" gene which when bred together creates featherless birds, like in the photo.

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