November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

I have to tell all of you my latest funny Max story-

One of my hens, (the one thats likes to pretend she's going to lay an egg so she can sneak into the house) somehow made it past the gatekeeper, Max, into my bedroom.  Max chased her into the living room around the kitchen back into the living room and back into my bedroom.  But just before making it back into my room my really old dog laid across the doorway.  They both ran right over my dog.  She barely lifted her head and went back to sleep.  How I wish I had a video of that.  

And chicken yard story-

Out in the yard, I have a light Brahma that has only laid 10 eggs but is already broody.  She doesn't really know what she is doing, so she randomly gets off her nest to wander around.  If she takes longer than 15 minutes, the other hens will start moving all of the eggs out.  I couldn't figure out why she was always tossing eggs out but I caught 2 other hens red footed.  I put them back in the nest.  I returned to the scene of the crime 5 minutes later and they were right back there rolling them out.  When I bent over to put them back again, one of my hens decided she wanted a cuddle right at that moment and jumped on my back.  Not hurting me at all, just sat on my back while I fixed the eggs waiting for me to cuddle her.  

That is too cute and funny!:gig
The other one I was waiting for finally pipped sometime in the last couple hours, as well as another one I hadn't realized had pipped internally. And another one has pipped internally.

Oh yeah, my two Silkies are sitting on two eggs each right now as well.
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Two of Tara's hatchling babies in their new home! Tiny fuzzy-butts sitting in the food bowl.

Thanks again for the babies Tara! I'll send better photos of Specks tomorrow by PM so you can decide if you want to give her a new home or not. I guarantee she will go broody for you in the spring. And just like with these lil guys, if you should ever not be able to keep her for whatever reason, I'll be happy to take her back. All I ask is that she not ever be given the chop - if that should ever become a question just call me, and I will bring her home.
Today is day 20 my duck eggs have been incubating. I just candled and noticed one of my Pekin eggs has these weird dark clumps floating around the air cell. The duckling is still moving around. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?? I'm a little worried
Two of Tara's hatchling babies in their new home! Tiny fuzzy-butts sitting in the food bowl. Thanks again for the babies Tara! I'll send better photos of Specks tomorrow by PM so you can decide if you want to give her a new home or not. I guarantee she will go broody for you in the spring. And just like with these lil guys, if you should ever not be able to keep her for whatever reason, I'll be happy to take her back. All I ask is that she not ever be given the chop - if that should ever become a question just call me, and I will bring her home.
Yay! I'm so glad you like them! I had my first one from my own breeders hatch out while I was in Jersey! I'm on my way to building my small DE silkie empire :) We have no good breeders her that I have found. As for your hen we can take her, I have a friend asking me for her too because he would love a broody. I will let you know when we leave NYC on Saturday!
Max's new vice- Vienna Sausages. My dog has started taking medicine for her artritis. I bought a few cans so I could hide the pill in the sausage. Max seemed interested. I let him have a bite thinking he'd shake his head, which means yuck. Instead he ate it like he had been starving for his entire life. Now when I take one out for my dog he goes crazy trying to steal it. He is so silly. Just now he took a bite of the one in my dogs mouth while she was eating it. He'll run from my hen half his size but for a Vienna Sausage, he becomes Super Turkey. I guess it's all about priorities. The eggs from my hens, that my friend is hatching, are on day 11 and doing great. I can't wait. Max and I are off to the feed store and then to work.

Has anyone else feed Nutrena layer or fFeather Fix to their chickens? Mine will starve before eating it. It's nasty if I try to ferment. I tried it since it was on sale. Bad mistake. The Feather Fixer smells so bad when fermented.
Has anyone else feed Nutrena layer or fFeather Fix to their chickens? Mine will starve before eating it. It's nasty if I try to ferment. I tried it since it was on sale. Bad mistake. The Feather Fixer smells so bad when fermented.

My chickens eat it without complaint. They actually seem to like it.

Three babies this morning, one internal pip.

So that makes 3 black babies in the incubator drying off. 11 black chicks and 2 golden chicks in the brooder. And 3 black chicks, 5 golden chicks and the one white chick in my closet. Plus 18 unhatched eggs in the incubator and 4 eggs under my two Silkies (though only the banty egg shows development under the Silkies; Renee's eggs have been difficult this entire time, which is why I only have the one white chick).


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