November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

Last baby is having issues hatching. It looks like it tried to zip too early, because it looks like there's dried blood on the membrane around the area it started zipping. Waiting to see how it does.
when they are young they have thin skin and you can see the bowel movements through the skin. If you have light colored chicks you really see this- especially with meat chickens.
it was pink though.. I hold her every day and it didnt look like this :(

if you compare the pink skin of her vent, that is the color of her skin normally

Quote: okay thanks :( I only have 2 chicks and they go absolutely crazy when I separate them from each other. I keep trying to slip the tendon on but I never feel like I did it 100% for sure. and it still sticks out to the side today
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it was pink though.. I hold her every day and it didnt look like this :(

if you compare the pink skin of her vent, that is the color of her skin normally

okay thanks :( I only have 2 chicks and they go absolutely crazy when I separate them from each other. I keep trying to slip the tendon on but I never feel like I did it 100% for sure. and it still sticks out to the side today
I don't think it's little bottom looks bad....when it's born with a little open belly button it'll dry like belly button being open when it hatched is related to high temps during incubation

can you use a popsicle stick or something to make a splint for it's little leg???? maybe it's not staying in place because the tendon is swollen??
I don't think it's little bottom looks bad....when it's born with a little open belly button it'll dry like belly button being open when it hatched is related to high temps during incubation

can you use a popsicle stick or something to make a splint for it's little leg???? maybe it's not staying in place because the tendon is swollen??

thank you.. i was hoping you would help me..

this chick was from the hatch that many babies died at almost full development. :'(
of 8 that went to LD 2 hatched. the rest appeared to die around day 19. maybe 2 died day 16. I have all the eggtopsy pictures if you are good at that kind of thing. I have been looking at them so much I don't want to look any more.
I have gone over all my temp/humidity logs, I did not have any big spikes but my incubator does run half a degree hot at 100F. I cannot rule out my conditions being wrong, but I really felt everything went "right" this hatch. especially compared to last hatch where I had almost 90% hatch rate but more "problems" throughout incubation.

these were the eggs that were severely damaged in shipment, some of the eggtopsy chicks were malpositioned (upside down). she is a real fighter though, she popped out on day 20 ready to go!

she is able to stand up now so I am thinking it may not be the tendon. I have tried pushing it into place, and I can feel that it is in the proper place. I am not sure that I put it there, I never felt a "pop." I am hoping that it is just the splay leg...

I left her bandaid hobbles off last night and put them back on today, so she had about 14 hours of freedom. I am doing little physical therapy sessions to help her walk. she is getting better, she used to hop but now she moves each leg independently. I ordered VetRap it should be here tonight by 8pm... the popsicle stick is a good idea esp if it is the tendon.. she still stands funny, her left leg is twisted outward from her body.
oh and.. I believe that the dark purple areas to the left and right of the navel are painful. normally the skin is pink. she seemed to squeak when I would touch those areas with a q-tip but otherwise was very calm in my hand. her poops are normal. she is on electrolytes, garlic, kale, mustard greens, and starter feed...
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Quote: with the shipped eggs you can't be sure of the health of the parent birds...a vitamin deficiency could cause the deaths but also the misshapen air cells...they keep them for turning into position...I always know what to expect if those air cells are very wonky!! all we can do is try...I have 2 more shipments of eggs I'll be hatching...some due new years eve and some that I used the usps insurance to repurchase...and then my flock will be complete! I'll be breeding from home!
I really don't think you could've done much different , you'll see when you hatch your own your hatch rate will be 99 percent...hopefully usps won't be so busy when they're shipping your new batch
of eggs and they'll be aware of what they're handling
my eggs due 12-31-2013 are some more BC Marans....just can't be sure of much when you look in those UGH!! unless they are clear so I just don't know!! down to about 7 out of 12

the little baby with the sounds like it's going well good luck!
Now that all of the chickens are 3-4 months that I hatched from shipped ebay eggs, not one looks like a pure breed like it's supposed to. I had so many problems. So glad I found people outside of Ebay.
so funny...I have some beautiful little loves that are obviously silky mixes! but I didn't pay a lot for the eggs and they are welcome here!
I had ordered Black Australorps, Salmon Faverolles, SIlver Laced Wyandottes and a few others. The Australorps are grey, the Faverolles are black with yellow speckles and the Wyandottes are black with white streaks. I had already given them to the person. Embarassing and disapointing. Live and learn.

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