
I know what you mean. Last year I had a bunch of anacona's laying that where with my bantam Phoenix and I just couldn't make myself not put them in the incubator. At the time I had home made turners and it was such a pain. I had 1 incubator that I kept full. As soon as some went to lock down, I added more. And I ended up giving away all the chicks.
Now I hae 3 incubators. One of those I use for a hatcher. They all have eggs in them. My silkies started laying so of course I can't just throw them away. I have some project eggs that have yet to be fertile but I won't know if I don't put them in, right?
I bowed out of the swap this time around. The eggs I got last month only had 1 make it to lock down and it's still in there. I've had 2 of my own hatch and the other 2 of mine are zipping but that one is still just sitting there. Then I have more going in on the 15th then again on the29th, 30th and 1st.

I'll be glad when I get all these quail I hatched out big enough to process. I way over did it with them compared to the space we have available. They where living in crapmed cages till I processed a bunch the other day. Now it's more acceptable. I bed I don't do that again.

I was thinking of selling my EE flock bu they are going thru a heavy molt right now and they really look raggedy. They wouldn't bring a good price at all. I have 9 of their chicks now and more in the incubator but they have stopped laying already for the winter and they didn't lay well at all this year. Although I love the pretty blue/green eggs, hardly anybody else does. So I may just stick with the brown egg layers.

Its like christmas morning here hehehehee.


Its pretty cool seeing everyone getting eggcited around here

Okay I admit too cant wait to see what comes in the mail in the form of a package with hatching eggs all over the box. LOL I think the post office is going to give me a personl PO box hahahaa for free
Can't get duck eggs? And why not? My silly ducks just started laying again a few weeks ago, at least one of them has. This has deterred me from turning the incubator off, I hate to let good duck eggs go to waste

duck eggs where lol????

I think if I wanted duck eggs my hubby would say NO for sure








But I want duck eggs so badly though but I better not until we can mover somewhere else and have some land heheheee
Well mainly because I need either bantam or light breed ducks. Not allowed the big ones, to messy and I have been overruled. I am hoping to get some calls in the spring. I have only seen one person selling them on ebay and would prefer to wait until I can find some a bit cheaper than that due to the fact that they are supposed to be extremely hard to hatch. Although I have developed a thing for the Runner ducks they are kinda cute too.
just wanted to let ya know mine wont be able to go out til next monday

unfortunately the extra play money is being used to fix my car ugh!! stupid starter quit on me. I swear this month has been major awful.
My girls are still laying pretty good, a little slow down but not much. hopefully I am not jinxing myself!

oh! they are going to OK and CA.
I have a pair of call ducks and 4 black east indies ducks (have no clue what they are yet). I have had great success hatching them no matter what they say. Its all in jacking up your humidity. I saw a beautiful pair of indian runners at the auction and they are small! BUT I've got bad news for ya . . . . the bantam ducks are just as messy as the big ones.

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