YOU CAN ASK BUT YOU MAY NOT GET AN ANSWER! It's not in the rules but this swap is supposed to be secretive and a big surprise!! Some will tell you and some will not. Some mark the eggs and some don't. I've even had one person send me a cut up picture of what my eggs were and I had to put it together to find out what they were.

Good Luck!!
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just a question : so how do we tell that person the delivery confirmation number ???? lol sorry if im being annoying lol.. I wanna tell that person who I have hey i sent your eggs out lol but not what they are getting hheheee thats a surprise for sure
If we could close it a little earlier we could participate in the New Years days hatch? That is a fun one and everyone has been looking for eggs to set on the 11th just an idea.
you are supposed to email me the confirmation number and I will notify the person that their eggs are on the way.

and by the way, your eggs were shipped yesterday and should be on the way.
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I'll do a December Swap!! It may be slim but I'll do one anyway. I prefer to hatch in the cooler temps!! It seems to get too hot for the brooders in the summer and I lose more than I raise.
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I'll do a December Swap!! It may be slim but I'll do one anyway. I prefer to hatch in the cooler temps!! It seems to get too hot for the brooders in the summer and I lose more than I raise.

works for me...perhaps for the "wanted" part...I'll just put surprise
I'll try a New Years hatch day. Lets say I open it TODAY and close in on the 25th and eggs have to be shipped by the 5th. Whats do you say????
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I'll try a New Years hatch day. Lets say I open it TODAY and close in on the 25th and eggs have to be shipped by the 5th. Whats do you say????

Sounds fun, so did you open it?

But shipping by the 5th would make them all early. You figure 3 days tops for shipping, that would have the eggs arriving on the 8th. The eggs should be set the 11th to hatch on the 1st, if my calculations are right.

I wonder if it could be organized well enough that EVERYONE sends their eggs on the same day? Preferably on the 7th? That's a Tuesday so the eggs should get to their destination by the 11th (Saturday). They 'should' get to their destination on the 9th or 10th, allowing a day for 'resting' if you so choose.

I probably won't be joining that one, I really hate having baby birds in the house for the winter.

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