November Hatch-a-long...

:)Candled last night. Day 22. Every egg I set seems to still be lively and progressing happily.

Locking down day after tomorrow. Might candle again before I do just because.

Twins seem ok as well. Starting to get nervous about them hatching healthy but I guess I can only do what I can do.

Looks like we have lots of hatches set to happen all through November. Can’t wait to see more babies!!
:)Candled last night. Day 22. Every egg I set seems to still be lively and progressing happily.

Locking down day after tomorrow. Might candle again before I do just because.

Twins seem ok as well. Starting to get nervous about them hatching healthy but I guess I can only do what I can do.

Looks like we have lots of hatches set to happen all through November. Can’t wait to see more babies!!
Me too
Well. Just went into lock-down with this batch.

17 FBCM eggs shipped in, they are so dark to be close to high cocoa chocolate in color.

the bad thing, no matter what I used, i could not candle them. None smell off and everything smelled clean and fresh as i went around sniffing the eggs. (What a sight that was)

After a 24 hour setting period, they spent their first ten days in the hoover-bator and the upright egg turner. then when my next shipment of eggs came in they were moved over to the Nurture Right 360 and spent the last of the time rolling as part of the auto turner.

the other eggs are on day 13, 5 days behind this batch and so far I have had to discard 12 of the 18 eggs as they showed zero development. and the remaining 6, well I have my doubts they make it to lock down frankly.

Unless I get free eggs, this is the last hatch of the year for me. But I do have chicks arriving next week
Good luck everybody!!!

I candled my eggs today. I have two developing, and one questionable. After watching my cockerel, pretty sure he was only able to successfully mate with one of my meat birds up until now. The others were not having it.... but now a couple of weeks later, they are.

Im getting MOSTLY double eggs from all the meat birds. :-\ But now that I know I am getting development, I will collect anything over the next few days that is not a double and set another group at the end of the week probably. If these make it I’ll have one hatching on the 20th and one the 22nd.
Thursday is hatch day. I am getting pips now. First I noticed an egg I marked as "Dead?" with a pip. Thats why I am not so quick to trust my judgement. I also noticed tiny Egg shell pieces on the floor of the incubator which only happens if their is pipping. I bet by morning I have one hatched and a couple of zipper pips. I just took pictures and will post them in my next post

The first picture I was supposed to post Yesterday morning but I was a little busy with other things. This is my lock down picture just before I closed the lid. inside the cage I have Red Leghorn eggs up top so they are not confused with my Red Bird Dark Egg project birds. I may be moving this spring so that project will be passed on to the lady who buys most of my chickens. She wants Dark Eggers and I have production Reds with very dark eggs. Darker than my Maran hen lays. The other eggs in the cage are Ayam Cemani, not that they needed caging but I had to put them somewhere so in the cage they go. the small Eggs are Seramas. The whitest eggs are Silver Leghorns. 2 tan eggs over to the left are Naked Necks. The Dark eggs as I mentioned above are my Dark Egg Red Bird project eggs.

This tonight, just moments ago I took pictures of the pipped eggs
At the top is an egg I marked "Dead?" Its a serama that didn't look right when I went into lock down but figured I would give it a chance anyways. Turns out it was the first to pip.


I also noticed that there was some egg shell on the floor of the incubator... Up top you can see a Silver Leghorn just pipped.

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