Now that I made a hole in my egg what next?!

I'll keep checking in with you.
Not sure where you are so don't know if we have a time difference. It's 7pm here. (hint - add your general location by going to your pic. - top right corner - go to account details - scroll down to find add location - most people give a general idea)
You didn't say if the egg is in an incubator. If you go to the duck thread, someone else just went through this.
I would expect to see some progress by tomorrow morning. Don't help yet. Don't pull the last part of the shell off if it has gone that far. Once out, leave it alone.
It’s 4 over here so I will contact in the morning and see how it’s doing!
Uhhhmmm.... ducks take 28 days to hatch
Different kinds of ducks = different days to hatch. ie. Pekin 28 days - Muscovy 35 days. What kind of duck is it?
About 10 hours before I'm back. Leave it alone.
Helping eggs never ends well as they usually are to weak to survive and with help usually still die hours later

Agreed. Harsh as it may sound.
I know but I also wanted to check for the last time to see if he or she is still alive. My guess is not. I’m sorry
Sorry to hear that, hatching is hard and we're all still learning. I would wait a little longer to be on the safe side, then if you can manage to, do an eggtopsy to be certain- not an easy thing to do but if you're still in doubt it'll put your mind at rest before you toss the egg out
Ducks take a long time to hatch, up to 48 hours. I know you want to help but it can be easy to do more harm than good. Was there an external pip/hole in the egg before you did anything?
Imagine being squished into an egg, and trying to break out with that little beak. There are going to be periods of time where it is resting. Be patient.
I found the best thing for me to do was set a timer for 2 hours. I was not allowed to look in between times and then could peek but not touch.
Keep in touch. Don't worry.
Thank you that really calmed me down. This is my first time dealing with something like this. I’ve hatched so many before but nothing this scary. So after 48 hours is a good time to be concerned and slowly start helping?

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