Now this is what a funeral should be:


15 Years
Jan 26, 2008
New Hampshire
A friend of ours died recently. We just got the invitation to the "Celebration of his Life": A big party with a New Orleans jazz band, culminating with a fireworks display where they shoot his ashes into the sky in a big bottle-rocket.
Cool.....its like being on vacation all the time
Thats a cool way to celebrate his life! Im from NH too below ya in swanzey outside of city of keene.Nice to meet ya neighbor!
I like that - "A Celebration of Life". A person is not defined by the fact that he died. I hate observing the day of a person's death. Why not focus on what they did while they're alive? Death was not their greatest accomplishment!
I agree. That is how many of our people (american indians) honor someone's passing. We celebrate their life as opposed to their death. Not to say we do not mourn but we do not focus on the mourning.

The elder that gave me away at my wedding passed a bit over a year ago and we had a celebration of life for him with a was a weekend celebration.

Exactly. Most people slave away for fifty weeks a year so they can spend two weeks where I live.

ME TO, They think I have it made.. mebbie so... we might want to be taken to town for some city food instead of this country cookin all the time. Just spread my ashes in the corn field , have a beer or two , a picknick, then foreget all about me..

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