

9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
Ford City, Pennsylvania
After reading about guinea's i am going to get some later in life. But i live in a neighbor hood and i understand that they can get noisy oh well they can put up with it. I hear cars going by so i think a couple of guineas wouldnt make much of a loud sound compared to those newfangled driving machines.
You may want to re-think that. Guineas are VERY loud. You should check your neighborhood's laws and ordinances to see what is legal. Noise from a car and noise from a guinea are two different things. Cars pass by on the street going somewhere and are only there for a brief moment. Guineas are there to stay. I would hate for you to get guineas and then have to re-home them because of the complaints about the noise.
once had a neighbor in the city who had a guinea... she was loud!!!
haha kid i dont think your making a wise decision... these birds are NOISY my friend. if you keep they FR too they can become attracted to neighbors lawns,pourchs, ROOFS, and worst of all cars in driveways... these birds make roosters sound like feild mice if you ask me. if you have 4-5 guins racking up some noise at 6am your gonna hear it from a mile away. I PROMISE! in my experience it's not a wise move to piss of the neighbors..youll lose.
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