NPIP Certification Questions

I Love Layers

5 Years
Apr 25, 2015
I live in North Dakota, we don't have the best information out there on becoming certified, and last I checked have only about 18 people certified so I can't really ask around.
So I'm wondering if anyone can shed some light on these questions

1. To become NPIP certified can your birds free range?

2. If I were to have a free range flock and an enclosed flock could I become certified?

3. Is it worth it to become trained and certified to test your own flock?

4. If I were to have someone come out, what do most people charge?

5. Do you have to be NPIP certified to ship birds?
Every state is different but I believe the answer to Qs 1, 2 and 5 are yes.
In MO, there is only one person that tests non-commercial flocks but it is free for the basic test.
As for becoming a tester yourself, that depends on the state.

Flocks need to be P-T free to ship eggs or birds across state lines. In MO, you're supposed to be NPIP to even sell birds in state.

Some states require other tests to allow importation of birds/eggs. For instance, AI clean is required for birds to be shipped to a few states.

Most of your questions should be able to be answered here.
As Chickencanoe said each state runs their own program so fees, tests, standards vary to every state. My state is free, nobody can test birds other than the state inspector in this state. If you can get certified to do our own test I'd recommend it. It's a hassle to take time off mid week to catch all your birds for an inspection. I keep mine in coop and grab for test one at a time. Was informed last inspection they also need to register my incubator for whatever reason. Some of it is goofy and how goofy depends on your state. Some states have knee jerk politics enforced. Avian Influenza was tested here last year as it was a grant from federal funds to do so. That money ran out so my state only tests for Pullorum which is the reason for the national program in the first place. Is it worth getting into the program? Yes and No. In reality it does't protect or certify your birds from disease. It only tests for Pullorum and some states still do Avian Influenza which outbroke only in a few states. Many people feel AI was outreached from hatcheries and not wild bird migration. Regardless, Pullorum was at a time an epidemic hence this program to keep it in check. So in reality your certification means very little but on the other hand the public does not realize that and thinks they are disease free certified so it has that value of misinformation. The other value is your legal to ship eggs and birds across state lines if NPIP certified. The downside is your flock is considered closed. That means you can not take on more birds or eggs unless from a NPIP source.

All hatcheries are NPIP and most breeders are too.
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I've not heard of free ranging effecting NPIP status.

You really need to go to your State Department of Ag and find out specifics for your state. They can vary quite a bit. For example, most states won't allow you to be come trained as a tester. I agree, I'd rather do that than wait for the state vet to make his rare trips through my part of the state......looks like there is info about who/where are certified testers in your state, so you'd have to look and see if there's a tester near you or not. If you've got one 10 miles away, I'd probably not go through the hassle myself.

Here's the link to your state site....

that has e-mail links for the state vets. I've found mine to be a wonderful resource, don't hesitate to contact yours with questions.
Here, all the commercial properties, whether they be broiler, egg, or hatcheries have their own testers.
For backyard and small holder flocks, there is one guy in MO that comes from the state capitol which is in the center of the state. You make an appointment the first time which may take up to 3 months depending on the time of year and how busy he is. Every year thereafter, the testing has to be done the same month and they schedule near the end of the previous month. So, except for getting started, it is pretty easy and scheduling is no problem.

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