NPIP people I need some advice!


Beware!?!? Horse Crazy Human on the Loose!
Jan 20, 2022
South Carolina
Hey, I've made several threads about this topic but now I'm actually working on getting on the schedule to be certified. But I have a few problems.
The biggest one is back in April/May a friend of ours was working in his fields and ran over a turkey nest. A few of the eggs were still okay so he brought it to me and I hatched them. Well only one made it. He was spoiled like crazy and put in with some chicks. Well he hasn't been in a pen since he was like 6 weeks old so we're not holding him captive or anything. He is now almost 6 months old and he's still hanging around. I really love having him but it might interfere with my plans. He wonders around in our woods and sometimes by my pens during the day but usually is around when I feed all my chickens to get his food. He seems to think I'm his mama. He still let's me pickup him up and is very friendly. He is also quite loud! He is free to come and go though. Will I be able to get my NPIP with him around or will I just have to forget about it? And if they come and see him will I get in trouble for hatching him?
I also have a few other questions
Will your chickens do okay in the health check if they are molting or have a few mites?
In FL, I'm NPIP certified, we have wild turkey in the area, as long as I'm tested twice a year, its not an issue for the State. I also have ducks I raise, WHICH THEY DON'T TEST!!! (even with AI - wtf???)

So, at least in my area of my State, it should not be a problem for you unless you tell them you are breeding turkey. Here, that WOULD be a problem. We are not allowed to raise or breed wild turkey, big big no no.

Your State may vary, you really should speak with Fish and Game and your Dept of Ag. Create a fake email account first, contact them from that, don't provide your location, expt very generally. (i.e. Hey, I'm up at the north end of the state, thinking about getting NPIP certified for my chickens, but there this one turkey that keeps wandering onto my property. I think its wild. WIll that prevent me from being certified? is there anything I can do about him?")
In FL, I'm NPIP certified, we have wild turkey in the area, as long as I'm tested twice a year, its not an issue for the State. I also have ducks I raise, WHICH THEY DON'T TEST!!! (even with AI - wtf???)

So, at least in my area of my State, it should not be a problem for you unless you tell them you are breeding turkey. Here, that WOULD be a problem. We are not allowed to raise or breed wild turkey, big big no no.

Your State may vary, you really should speak with Fish and Game and your Dept of Ag. Create a fake email account first, contact them from that, don't provide your location, expt very generally. (i.e. Hey, I'm up at the north end of the state, thinking about getting NPIP certified for my chickens, but there this one turkey that keeps wandering onto my property. I think its wild. WIll that prevent me from being certified? is there anything I can do about him?")
Thanks ❤️ I'll try that.

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