Number of roosters in flock.

I think the dynamics come into play on this. My flock master will chase off the cockerel trying to mate and then mate the pullet/hen to show dominance to the cockerel. I could very well be wrong on this observation.
My two roosters actually wait their turn and mate the same hen. Which I think may be a bit much?
I would agree.
I may need to add a few more hens to my flock, say 3 more so there would be 10 hens per rooster? Wonder if that would fix this situation or would they continue on mating with the hens just as they are doing now?
Roosters don't really have a concept of sharing.
So this means that they have their monogamous partners and won't bother with other hens? I have seen my roosters take turn with the same hen.
Sorry, genuinely trying to understand how these whole process works.

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