Feedback Numbered list pages - Feedback and suggestions needed


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
Hey everyone, I had an idea for something we can do for BYC, numbered lists of items/pages on specific topics that we can create and promote. Some examples of lists I already made, or are working on are:

10 Amazing/unusual chicken coops - 9 Structures You Won't Believe Are Chicken Coops!
5 Cooler box incubators
9 Awesome shed to coop conversions - 9 Awesome Shed to Chicken Coop Conversions
10 Great coops made from recycled materials
7 Play house coop conversions
5 Chicken coops you can build in a weekend
? Top treats for chickens
? Best bedding options for the coop
10 Best egg laying breeds
? Best home made chicken feeders
? Best home made chicken waterers
11 Ways to save money on your feed bill - 11 Ways to save money on chickens' feed

I'd love to hear what ideas and suggestions you all have for more lists we can create. Ideally we want to link to pages/threads/posts here on BYC from each item on these lists.

Another thing, two things, if any of you would like to help find content for the lists, please shoot me a PM and if anyone of you is a genius with images, collages or some such, that can help us create the perfect cover images for promoting these, please shoot me and @Nifty-Chicken a PM.

Thanks in advance!

ETA: Links to pages of numbered lists will be posted in reply to this thread and as when I complete and publish them and added to the list above, in this post.
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It would be also nice to have a sticky of “hall of fame” posts/articles that have the best information for selected educational topics, nominated by members or picked by staff. It would be a great resource and cut down on misinformation as well. Sometimes I spend days researching a topic (like right now I’m trying to get info on sprouting), and it can take me a while to finally get to the meatiest of posts.
Could there be articles on the other animals on BYC?
Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Quail, Rabbits, Goats, Emu's...
I know they can have similar living situations, but maybe some articles can cater to the things that make them different.
I think it would not only help those who come here for information, but it will also help regular chicken owners to branch out and feel comfortable enough to take on new species. :love
Could there be articles on the other animals on BYC?
Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Quail, Rabbits, Goats, Emu's...
I know they can have similar living situations, but maybe some articles can cater to the things that make them different.
I think it would not only help those who come here for information, but it will also help regular chicken owners to branch out and feel comfortable enough to take on new species. :love
agree.... but it also hits the mark that many of us not only raise chickens.... but keep a menagerie of sorts.

How about extreme predator proofing...
Lions Tigers and Bears.... Oh mY

In The US we have predators galore... I have read discussions on the following topics within individual threads.

Bear proofing
Mountain lion proofing
Bob cat
feral dogs
and people... Yes people...

Edited to add:
Some times plain old Hardware cloth isn't enough.

How about extreme predator proofing...
Lions Tigers and Bears.... Oh mY

In The US we have predators galore... I have read discussions on the following topics within individual threads.

Bear proofing
Mountain lion proofing
Bob cat
feral dogs
and people... Yes people...

Edited to add:
Some times plain old Hardware cloth isn't enough.


You can add badgers to that list. Nasty things with long pointy teeth and claws.

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