Numero Uno Just Arrived, against the odds. YES........................


11 Years
Mar 22, 2008
Folkston, Georgia
Here's proof that even if the power goes out, mother nature (God) is in control; This little guy (I believe), was born sometime between 12:30 AM and 1:45 AM. Thats because I had a buldging migraine all day yesterday. I woke up about 1:45 and there he was, just sitting on top of the other eggs.

There are four more pipped in there, and one is really trying hard to get out, because she/he hears the other one scooting around those eggs and talking. Tehe! Now I hope my little silkies will start pipping. I think they went in a day later, but I'm not sure. Tehe! Thats alright, I'm happy, everything is good. Tehe! I took a photo of Numero Uno, but I still need to figure out how to put it on board.
Congrats on Numero Uno!! To put a picture up, get a photobucket account,, it's free, upload pics from your computer and than upload them to this site. Somewhere on this forum is a thread about posting pictures, do a search on this forum, something will come up, lots of people have asked the same question!!
Numero Dos is out and I think I'll name she/he scrawny. Tehe! Numero Tres is on the way and its a close second with numero quartro, we'll see! Tehe! Numero quatro is a brown egg and I hope it is a little boy as my husbands favorite araconda rooster was taken by a fox last week and he is heartbroken. So maybe this will be his little araconda boy.

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