Nursing Program... I HAVE AN INTERVIEW...Calling all Nurses!!*UPDATE**

Good for you! Thats awesome! I'm not a nurse, but thats what I originally went to college for! I didn't finish..
Didn't want to work 12hr shifts and weekends! So guess what? I became an As. Coordinator in a factory, and ended up working 12 hr shifts & weekends! I could just
myself for not finishing! But now that my job is gone away I've been reconsidering it! We're the same age, so you give me hope! Thanks!
Thanks Guys! Gonzo you can do it!! We can do it together.

I don't have a hard time making good grades, so that part doesn't scare. The only thing that scares me is this Interview! I'll be sweating bullets. But, they are just people too. They can't eat me. I figure that if I could graduate with a 3.94 GPA in Medical Transcriptions/Medical Office Specialist School with a newborn baby, I certainly can do this!

School has always been pretty easy for me. But, if I don't get in, I'm not going to feel bad. I was up against 140 very bright intelligent young people, and all of us did not get Interviews, so I have a good start. But, I can still say I PASSED the PAX Test, LOL.

I worked as a Phlebotomist for about a year, and I really enjoyed being with my patients.
Congratulations!!! Just keep telling yourself that- They ARE people and they CAN'T eat you
That's the advantage you have by being the age you are. You have lived and you have the experience to know that the interviewer is just as human as you are.
Sometimes the instructors can be hard and the try to scare you. The day I realized they were people too, and I made my own way in this world was the day nursing school became easy. You will be a great nurse! Best of luck on the interview!!
Thanks! I have faith in myself and it's my dream! It has been since I was very young. My best friend talked me into another profession and I could just
myself sometimes. I would have been a nurse for the last 15 years!
What was it that made you hate dialysis?


I think it was because I was assigned to inpatient acute dialysis and it was the most boring thing I've ever done.

Wow. My brother was a transplant recipient after doing peritoneal and hemo for five years, he died in my arms at work from a heart much stress over his 45 years with the disease. My mother was on dialysis for three years before dieing last Memorial Day, she was 81. I'm pretty sure that it's kind of boring for the patients, too.

Take care,
I have been a nurse for many years also, and found my chosen field to be dialysis. I loved it from the get go. I did many other jobs, least liked was psych nursing, followed by nursing home work. I went into dialysis nursing over 20 years ago and it's been most rewarding.

Saw that an earlier poster said she hated it! It's one of those things like tapioca or yogurt or jello, either you love it or you hate it, no in-between feelings, it seems.


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