Nutrena NatureWise Feather Fixer


8 Years
May 22, 2013
The Volunteer State
My Coop
My Coop
I was just curious about this feed, I just bought it for my flock because they're molting. And one of my Buff Orpingtons had a tough time with a young cockerel (now rehomed) so her back is bare. They've been eating Layena mash for a while now, so they're not too eager for this new feed.

Anyway, I was wondering if this worked for anyone? I would really like to see my hens back to looking like their old selves. Thanks in advance! :)
I add it to their flock raiser once in awhile. My birds aren't picky I guess. I don't know if I notice a difference though, but reviews of it are good. Maybe if I fed only feather fixer I would see more of a difference?
I'm feeding my hens (2 1/2 years old) who are molting. 20181001_125456.jpg . A Start and Grow feed 18% Protein and the new feathers are growing in quickly.
I feed at least 18% Protein year round. They feather pick on 16% feed.
I tried Feather Fixer when my first Flock started to lay. They looked ravishing. I never used it when they were molting.
I got my girls switched over to Pellets from Crumbles by mixing it with the crumbles. I also mixed it with Scratch Grains and Scattered on dry ground and they gobbled up the Pellets like candy. GC

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