Nutri drench for struggling chicks! Dosage??


7 Years
Mar 2, 2017
La Junta, CO
Hello! I am helping my mom care for their classroom's hatched chicks and 2 already looking rough. I have some Nutri-drench for goats and sheep. The pump kind and I use a one quart sized waterer. Each pump is 2ml. Would love suggestions on how to administer. I also have electrolytes in powder form if that would be better. It's got an absurd ratio for drinking on it
Put the Drench in the water ,not the electrolytes.
give each needy chick one drop only by mouth. repeat every 8 to 10 hours until perky.
For Drench water : use 1/2 teaspoon Drench per one quart water.
I use this Drench water for the 1st 2 weeks to get them off to a strong start.
I raised 42 Light Sussex on the Goat Drench with great success. Just make sure to use these Poultry dosage instructions.
2ml is .40 of a teaspoon.
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Put the Drench in the water ,not the electrolytes.
give each needy chick one drop only by mouth. repeat every 8 to 10 hours until perky.
For Drench water : use 1/2 teaspoon Drench per one quart water.
I use this Drench water for the 1st 2 weeks to get them off to a strong start.
I raised 42 Light Sussex on the Goat Drench with great success. Just make sure to use these Poultry dosage instructions.
2ml is .40 of a teaspoon.

Sounds great! So I will do one pump for drench water in one quart of water! I will also give the weaker chicks a drop each day. Thank you so much!
We lost one little one, we called her Floppy, but she just passed this morning poor thing. We still have one another who was "helped" out of its egg just a bit too early and it also looks like maybe the humidity had got too low while hatching. We are calling it Ed(na) depending on its sex. This little chick looks awfully rough, but is acting completely fine! Had a warm bath to get eggshells off. We are gave it a drop of Nutri-drench today, but will otherwise just give it the drench water and watch as it grows! Any other advice on helping this poor little thing fluff up?

What are you using for a heat source? I usually bathe the crusty chicks in a bowl of warm water, and towel dry them, then tuck them under the heating pad brooder. If I bathe a chick within 24 hours of hatching, I dab some betadine on the umbilicus.
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What are you using for a heat source?  I usually bathe the crusty chicks in a bowl of warm water, and towel dry them, then tuck them under the heating pad brooder.  If I bathe a chick within 24 hours of hatching, I dab some betadine on the umbilicus.  

They have an MHP. It's already looking soo much better! So tiny compared to the same age chicks but looking better. I don't think I have yet learned what an umbillicus is! Do tell!
@lazy gardener @3riverschick
Poor little thing passed on suddenly on Tuesday morning. The last 4 chicks are thriving and doing really well at a week old. Any ideas of what to do with all the left over Nutri-drench? I will have only used 2 pumps total of a very larger bottle! Is there ever a time to drench the hens? Like when the weather gets hot or changes? Thank you for the advice!
How often are you giving the nutri drench? I fixed 1 quart water to 1/2 tsp nutridrench.

I have a 3 day old baby chick the runt and last of the crew to hatched. II think she’s blind though i have seen her eyes open, well they were open when she hatched. I have isolated her because she is very, very vocal. She calmed down when I separated her and held her. Praying she pulls through. I just gave her a few little drops.
the nutri drench bottle says 4 oz per gallon if water so almost 1 oz per litre for 1-4 day old chicks. can someone clarify the 1/2 teaspoon in one quarter of water? thanks

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