NY chicken lover!!!!

Anyone have any Guinea keets available? Thought I would ask before I ordered them online, lol How hard are they to hatch out? I've got silkies that are brooding nothing, lol

First Hi to everyone!! This has been a very busy summer..five kids going in five diff. ways!

I think Guinea eggs hatch easy! Sachasmon: I maybe able to get some eggs...let me check with my sister..plz let me know if you find some. I just sold the last five bibbed keets.. I have found out you can't adv them as keets...guinea hen chicks and I had tons of replies...
I have a batch of salsa in the canner right now. I still plan on digging out my garlic. DH kept the girls busy this morning for me so I could go shopping solo.
I love my DH. It was nice to be able to look at things and just walk through the store without having to tell someone to quit fighting or not to touch.
Rancher, I meant how many eggs might I expect my Dels to lay (no roo)? Sorry for any confusion.

PS: Got the Dels as 2 day old chicks from Cackle Hatchery.

My Dels lay well, and are good winter layers too. I can't say about hatchery Dels. I had three from Ideal and they didn't last long. For what ever reason they either died or got sick and put down.
If there is anybody gettinf rid of Am. pullets let me know. I would like 1 more.

Are you going to the Meet at Tabs? My plan is to bring one for the Auction. She is black and it will be a while before she lays. Well the thing is the mother is an EE by a Lav Amer father and the the pullet will be hers and an Lav amer dad. I'm only giving her up for Tabs. So she hopefully will get enough money for hosting this shindig.
I have a batch of salsa in the canner right now. I still plan on digging out my garlic. DH kept the girls busy this morning for me so I could go shopping solo.
I love my DH. It was nice to be able to look at things and just walk through the store without having to tell someone to quit fighting or not to touch.

One thing about my raised beds is I just pull the garlic up. It would help to add more peat moss or sand for me though.

Went and picked the blue berries at Abbots. $2.25 a pound. Not to bad. DW went with me.

They had pastured eggs for $3.65 doz. The had a nice fenced in area that had some type of weeds that grew tall and hid the chickens. Not sure it was the permanent place but it gave me ideas. I have some weeds that grow like these looked.

I suppose if your area is fenced in and you don't mow it that would be good. Certain things chickens won't eat. Like my lemon balm. That stuff is very weedy and I expect would take over the joint.

Rose of sharon , is a weedy variety of tree\ shrub that one could plant in the chicken yard for shade and shelter.

I put "rabbit" fencing in a circle around my ornamental grass and it seems to help keep the birds from tearing it up too.

It might be raining tomorrow so I may do up some jam. Raspberry peach.

Now when you do salsa, do you need a pressure canner for that? How many tomatoes do you need for a batch?
Update; dh didnt like Erik the red so his new name is Olof, since there is a famous Olof in Norweigan history. These two have been very busy trying to keep track of all the girls. Its nice, however, to have a peaceable kingdom right now. Dumped 4 loads of pine chips into the run of the rir coop. I think they all thought it was a birthday gift. At least I dont have to spread it out!

I need to dump something into my run, as it smells like a pit of grim, gunky death after all the rain.
Of course, my web-footed friends don't help, as they root around in any and all puddles until they've made a nice little mud bath.
Thanks, rancher. My Dels will be 2 months old tomorrow. They are a little bit larger than the NHs and more aggressive. They seem to be very healthy, but who knows. I keep reading of chickens dropping dead for apparently no reason.

First Hi to everyone!! This has been a very busy summer..five kids going in five diff. ways!

I think Guinea eggs hatch easy! Sachasmon: I maybe able to get some eggs...let me check with my sister..plz let me know if you find some. I just sold the last five bibbed keets.. I have found out you can't adv them as keets...guinea hen chicks and I had tons of replies...

Let me know! I might have to buy some eggs then if they're not hard, I keep hatching Ameraucana eggs, its like I cannot stand to eat them!

Still waiting for my Cream Legbars to lay... And the new Black Orp hens have not laid a thing. Its like waiting for water to boil, sigh. I need these guys to lay so I can sell some CL and Choc Orps and pay some feed bills, lol

We FINALLY got up the electric poultry netting. Not sure I like how the ends are to attach the next section, but hopefully that will keep the chickens safe. Now I only have to clean the other side of the coop, repace the tarp on the hoop house finish cleaning and repairing a couple more rabbit cages and I might actually be caught up! Well, other than the litters that need to be gone thru, and the chickens...
We FINALLY got up the electric poultry netting. Not sure I like how the ends are to attach the next section, but hopefully that will keep the chickens safe. Now I only have to clean the other side of the coop, repace the tarp on the hoop house finish cleaning and repairing a couple more rabbit cages and I might actually be caught up! Well, other than the litters that need to be gone thru, and the chickens...
I *love* mine. Did you get the premiere stuff? Only thing I don't like about mine is that the less saggy version doesn't come in the 164 foot length, so I have the saggier one. I had LOTS of electric posts left from my last effort at just wire fencing so I used those to prop up the sag points. Other than that the electric netting rocks so far. I only have two sections attached, my third attaches at two coop points. I do have an 'iffy' connection at one of the coops - we used the shoelaces it came with to tie it to the coop posts so that's a little hinky, but it works.

oh and what charger did you end up with? my fence is definitely jolty =)
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I've been hearing strange noises at night too. Listening to youtube, I think my weird noises are foxes? Have never seen a coyote around here, but we did have them in california and at night they sounded 'creepy' for lack of a better term. They'd yelp, howl and just.. well, creepy. :p

The noises I have been hearing (very close to the house!) sounds a LOT like you would hear if a chicken was screaming in terror. first time hubby heard it he came and got me and calmly told me the chickens were screaming (instead of running out there himself with the .22! LOL).

In either case, I've been leaving all my electric fences on at night and so far so good.

That could even be screetch (sp?) owls. They are AWFUL sounding.

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