NY chicken lover!!!!

Man it is cold out today. I went out and gave my other kids they water and breakfast. I thought about just leaving the chickens in their coop today, but when the looked at me through the window I said what the hell
..and opened their door. All they are going to do is eat get a drink then run into the duck hut. I added extra leaves and pine needles to the hut, but should call my farmer friend to bring me up another bale of straw. I'm all out. I think that is why my dlm is working so well...They are never in the coop only at night.

Man it is cold...Spring I miss you come back soon!

Did I mention that it is cold out!
Quote: I'm wondering what your plan is. Where are you going to sell the quiche? Check in with your Coop Ext. Ask for the Farm business manager person. If its oneida county, let me know she is my SIL. When you go to a farmers market, which is where I think you are planning, those people are mostly doing it part time. They have one member who has a full time job that supports their farm venture. Well, except the Amish, they are full time. I"m not sure, but I think if you ware cooking for sale, you have to have an approved kitchen, check into that.

Also, in Nelson, there is a place that rents out their kitchens for "added value" to farm products. Its connected with Morrisville College. They could probably give you some answers.

Good luck. I love quiche, but can't eat wheat dough...
-19 here this am. So glad the horses are inside the barn today. Inside it was +15, felt like a heat wave!

Saw my Sebi gander trying to breed a goose...eggs can't be far behind now, right? Although, I hope the don't start to lay until the weather heats up a bit.
well below zero outside. Yet the chickens and the ducks are out and about....being chickens and ducks! Miss Priscilla laid her 3rd egg in a row

that is Miss Priscilla last inline in this old pic from October. Pic taken right after Baby Hughie ate a frog.
Why do Birds...... I'm going to say a few things. 1st you broke the golden rule of getting chickens. You got chickens before the coop. 2nd you are KILLING your chickens slowly by not allowing them #1 to be chickens, and #2 by keeping them in a heated house. You put them outside now in the cold and they WILL NOT SURVIVE THE DAY! I understand that you are new to this.
In my sig is a link to my blog. I think it would do you a world of good to read my latest post. Seriously I do.

I am the blatantly honest guy here. Everything I just typed is to HELP you.
Not sure how far Pyxis lives from you, but she sells fertilized eggs and I am pretty sure she has leghorns, ee's, and marans, but I will wait for her to chime in

Mine lived theirs too and I also have a rectangle one that I got at Home Depot that is meant for mixing cement

I use one of those rectangle ones for my dusting station on the coop works great except they try to roost on sides during day pooing in it.
I'm wondering what your plan is. Where are you going to sell the quiche? Check in with your Coop Ext. Ask for the Farm  business manager person. If its oneida county, let me know she is my SIL. When you go to a farmers market, which is where I think you are planning, those people are mostly doing it part time. They have one member who has a full time job that supports their farm venture. Well, except the Amish, they are full time.  I"m not sure, but I think if you ware cooking for sale, you have to have an approved kitchen, check into that. 

Also, in Nelson, there is a place that rents out their kitchens for "added value" to farm products. Its connected with Morrisville College. They could probably give you some answers.

Good luck.  I love quiche, but can't eat wheat dough...:hit

Wish there was a kitchen like that here, I have animals so I am automatically disqualified from having a home bakers license, even though I have commercial everything :(

And gluten free crust is the answer :) maybe that is what I will bring to chickenstock :)
well below zero outside. Yet the chickens and the ducks are out and about....being chickens and ducks! Miss Priscilla laid her 3rd egg in a row

that is Miss Priscilla last inline in this old pic from October. Pic taken right after Baby Hughie ate a frog.
Why do Birds...... I'm going to say a few things. 1st you broke the golden rule of getting chickens. You got chickens before the coop. 2nd you are KILLING your chickens slowly by not allowing them #1 to be chickens, and #2 by keeping them in a heated house. You put them outside now in the cold and they WILL NOT SURVIVE THE DAY! I understand that you are new to this.
In my sig is a link to my blog. I think it would do you a world of good to read my latest post. Seriously I do.

I am the blatantly honest guy here. Everything I just typed is to HELP you.

Ok now I'm P1SSED!!! Lol or I was until I reread you post and saw those pics was from Oct. I was going to be moving where you was with all that green grass this time of year in NY.
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JLAW ~ LOL I know at first I was like WHOA! WAIT A MINUTE! Where's all your snow!?!? But then I realized these pics were from Oct, AND I saw them last night on his FB page.

Stop teasing us with those nice green pictures Stony!

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