NY chicken lover!!!!

Pyxis, How many cattle panels does your big one use? Also is it just the cattle panel or do you also have hardware cloth covering? I need to build myself some.
This may be a stupid question... but how do you know the door you buy is going to fit within the arch that the cattle panels make?

... I am so clueless when it comes to construction things, but I have a few months and I'm willing to learn.

My frita, after giving me an egg this morning - she's such a sweet hen, loves to cuddle in my lap. :)

Buy the door and then make the frame to fit the door. If you need to you can cut the door shorter. Mine are up off the ground. It gets very wet here.
I'm afraid I've used a bit more materials for my hoops. As you can see I used a lot more hardware cloth. For the large coop I used it over the entire coop part. Something I would not do again. For the run I only used poultry wire since they will not be out during the night. All have front and back covered with hardware cloth. On the sides of the half hoops the hardware cloth only goes up 2 feet.

Rancher/pyxis; would 42 in. x 84 in. Remesh Sheets, (concrete reinforcement wire panels) work instead of cattle panels? They are only $7 each.
Rancher/pyxis; would 42 in. x 84 in. Remesh Sheets, (concrete reinforcement wire panels) work instead of cattle panels? They are only $7 each.

Do you have a picture of them? How sturdy are they? The cattle panels work well because they want to spring back open, so they really hold the shape well.

Pyxis, How many cattle panels does your big one use?  Also is it just the cattle panel or do you also have hardware cloth covering?  I need to build myself some.

It's three cattle panels. I covered the cattle panels in welded wire to keep anything from chewing in, and the outside front is hardware cloth on bottom, welded wire on top.
Do you have a picture of them? How sturdy are they? The cattle panels work well because they want to spring back open, so they really hold the shape well.

They look just like cattle panels. Its been ten yrs since I poured a concrete pad, so I'll have to recheck the strength of them again. I know we ran out and my father in law gave us one that he had left over from useing them for hogs. His was a lot stronger, kinda like the difference between old barn galvinized roofing that you have a hard time pounding a nail in and todays that you have to be careful not to suck a screw straight threw. I'm just waying my options, and the plan I had now looks $$!! I checked out both your hoop house builds and it looks a lot easier than I thought, I was picturing like a prefab carport or green house and $$ lol! I still have to run the numbers in comparison to the plywood one I have (yes it has some rot where its touching the ground, but it is easy to build, looks good, and is over twenty yrs old). I have another 25-50 chicks coming in the spring, so I better get planning. And thanks both of you for posting pics, It definitly put a image to the plan.

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