NY chicken lover!!!!

Jungs seed and tree catalog has about the best selection I've ever saw for fruit trees, old breeds. We ordered a bunch from gurneys when they do the spend $50 get $50 free, four trees for the price of two. Burgess might not have the best quality but their prices are good. We got two bartlett pear and two yellow transparent apple trees from them. They were short, but stocky and a lot of branches. Their blueberry bushes were pathetic, but they are growing. We got a bunch of awesome blueberry bushes from HomeDepot late in the season on sale a few yrs. ago.I've been wanting to get some hardy kiwi vines but I keep putting it off, maybe this spring.

Wondered about Burgess maybe will try them. I have a bunch of Blueberry bushes I got last year hopefully they survive the winter
We use this recipe for our detergent http://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/natural-laundry-soap-ze0z1308zcalt.aspx

I use a bar of Dr Bronners Lavender or citrus and grated in my food processor.

My friend has bought from Welcher Nursery (finger lakes I think) in the past. Good trees for cheap. I have been debating between them and St Lawrence Nursery in Potsdam.
Finger Lakes and Potsdam is a little far for me.
We bought from St. Lawrence - low tech ordering, but the trees all lived and are doing fine years later. ;) It's mail order, so the distance is no big deal. I just looked at their site and looks like this year is their last year. :(
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We bought from St. Lawrence - low tech ordering, but the trees all lived and are doing fine years later. ;) It's mail order, so the distance is no big deal.  I just looked at their site and looks like this year is their last year. :( 

Ok what is the site I thought you were talking going to St. Lawrence.
Do you add vinegar to your laundry mix ?
This says not a good idea..

I just use Arm & Hammer Liquid Detergent ...you dont have to use as much as it says ..
If I do I add it to the rinse cycle, which works fine.
If I use any it is snuggle fabric softener I rarely use it so a bottle usually lasts me about a year.

I read that Vinegar helps loosen the fibers and will help it dry the clothes faster. I buy it by the gallons and use it for everything. I use it for cleaning lots of things, and I do add it to my laundry too. I have 2 young kids that still occasionally wet the bed so to get the smell out completely I will put a cup (or there abouts) of the vinegar in with their was along with some baking soda to help deodorize. When I make my own fabric softener I use vinegar and hair conditioner and it works pretty good, but there is something to be said about the smell of Downey fabric softener on clean laundry dried outside. So what I do is I will buy a bottle of Downey and split into 4 bottles and add vinegar to the rest. Not sure that it saves that much money, but I feel better knowing that I don't have to use that much of the chemical stuff.
Ordered my incubator the other day
. After much discussion with DH we/he decided that I should just get the Brisnea Mini. He wasn't sure that I should get one that I could hatch out too many at first.
What he did say was that if I got good at hatching and I could sell most of what I hatched that I could either get a second mini or that maybe if I was a "really good girl" that he would "let" me get the 20...Can't wait till it gets here so I can get it set up and running. Hopefully it won't take to long to get it figured out and stable so that I can set my first batch of eggs. Hoping to get them set before the end of the month!

I don't know about anyone else, but I am soooooooooooooooooooooo OVER this winter. It is sooooooooooooooooooooo cold out. The wind is the killer. We got another inch of snow last night. I don't know where we are going to put it if we get too much more. My chicken run is about a quarter the size that it should be cause all the snow. I feel like I should put a sign out that says Predators welcome. It is getting to the point that the snow is so high that they are going to be able to just step over the fence. I try to keep their pile not to high. I've been throwing most of the snow over to the side where they share the fence with the dogs. Our snow plow piles are about 6 feet high and next to the duck coop they are about 12 feet deep. I feel like we aren't going to be thawed out till July!!!

WE MISS YOU COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Native Americans had their rain dance to bring on the rain. Maybe if we all coordinate it at the same time and all do a Spring dance maybe spring will get here sooner...

....Oh and can someone take a hit out on that groundhog!
Ordered my incubator the other day
. After much discussion with DH we/he decided that I should just get the Brisnea Mini. He wasn't sure that I should get one that I could hatch out too many at first.
What he did say was that if I got good at hatching and I could sell most of what I hatched that I could either get a second mini or that maybe if I was a "really good girl" that he would "let" me get the 20...Can't wait till it gets here so I can get it set up and running. Hopefully it won't take to long to get it figured out and stable so that I can set my first batch of eggs. Hoping to get them set before the end of the month!

I don't know about anyone else, but I am soooooooooooooooooooooo OVER this winter. It is sooooooooooooooooooooo cold out. The wind is the killer. We got another inch of snow last night. I don't know where we are going to put it if we get too much more. My chicken run is about a quarter the size that it should be cause all the snow. I feel like I should put a sign out that says Predators welcome. It is getting to the point that the snow is so high that they are going to be able to just step over the fence. I try to keep their pile not to high. I've been throwing most of the snow over to the side where they share the fence with the dogs. Our snow plow piles are about 6 feet high and next to the duck coop they are about 12 feet deep. I feel like we aren't going to be thawed out till July!!!

WE MISS YOU COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Native Americans had their rain dance to bring on the rain. Maybe if we all coordinate it at the same time and all do a Spring dance maybe spring will get here sooner...

....Oh and can someone take a hit out on that groundhog!

Congrats on the mini.It will be to temp in 5 minutes. No kidding~ Very efficient little product. Just a little harder with the larger eggs...

I am with you on the snow...my run is about 1/4 size also and I had a tarp covering the top because I ran out of outdoor time...dumb.

stay warm!

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