NY chicken lover!!!!

Hiya Pharm. Do you cook down the kale first or feed it raw? Cut it up or whole leaf, if served raw? Thanks. I've got a baggie of kale in the fridge now.

This winter is the worst!

We grow a few greens through the winter in a sunspace/greenhouse attached to our living space. The chickens are happy to eat any kale stems or trimmings raw--we don't bother to chop them
-21 here:(

Hubbie put a heater in the coop last night and it was a balmy 20 in there this am!! Thank goodness...I get real worried about losing tons of birds when it hits -30/-40 and it has many times last Winter!
DW thinks I'm joking about moving to TX but as God is my witness I am not. It will of course mean giving up the chickens. She had a co worker whose husband said he'd go to Alabama with me. Real estate is reasonable down there and I do like the state.

I have a son in Fl too. They have three kids. The DD in TX is due for number two. Strange thing is I get along better with the in law kids.
funny how that works with the kids ..altho my daughter had a tough go with trouble starting at about 14 and ending when she was 19 ..shes 28 now and shes the daughter i always hoped she'd be ..changed her life around completely ..altho her choice in men could be better or atleast whip this one she has into shape she'd be good to go and i'd stop worrying about her ..hes not a bad guy just a little light in the smarts it seems ..and a littler lazy .guess i am glad she hasnt had any kids yet ...my son has always been a good kid and works hard ..he has 2 kids ..one born the day after my birthday ..shes my little buddy ..any how i think life could be worse ..now if i could just get everyone to move south with us ..lol..i'd have it made ..

chickens are reason we didnt get to fl this yr ..to many and no one wants to take care of them ..my wifes been picking at me all winter about that ..why i am thinning the flock thisa summer ..i love my birds but i love warm weather more it seems ..lol..

everythings froze here this morning .toilit,hot water to the kitchen and bathroom sink, front door was froze shut..played heck trying to get the waterers changed out..just another day in western ny ..ugh..
Bring him inside ....if you can clean off his comb ...& wattles and put some egg white on it ...it should help it heal better ..let it dry before you put him outside ..
Do it once a day . I did this with one of my roos & it never turned black .
I sold him after that ...so not sure how his comb looks now ..
egg whites , huh ..i was going to put some neosporan on it ..it looks like the tips are black already ..i smeared a whole bunch of vasilean on again last nite..hes still shacking his head .starting to think the vasileans causing more trouble then helping...i'll try the egg whites ..i was going to bring him in for the day today but my wife stayed home from work . she loves the birds, but she loves them out in the coop ..lol...
-21 here:(

Hubbie put a heater in the coop last night and it was a balmy 20 in there this am!! Thank goodness...I get real worried about losing tons of birds when it hits -30/-40 and it has many times last Winter!

You guys get the cold up there! Stay warm and safe. I am just ending my hatch of my Sonew eggs...I have some of the cutest babies from your eggs! Love them~ Thank you!
funny how that works with the kids ..altho my daughter had a tough go with trouble starting at about 14 and ending when she was 19 ..shes 28 now and shes the daughter i always hoped she'd be ..changed her life around completely ..altho her choice in men could be better or atleast whip this one she has into shape she'd be good to go and i'd stop worrying about her ..hes not a bad guy just a little light in the smarts it seems ..and a littler lazy .guess i am glad she hasnt had any kids yet ...my son has always been a good kid and works hard ..he has 2 kids ..one born the day after my birthday ..shes my little buddy ..any how i think life could be worse ..now if i could just get everyone to move south with us ..lol..i'd have it made ..

chickens are reason we didnt get to fl this yr ..to many and no one wants to take care of them ..my wifes been picking at me all winter about that ..why i am thinning the flock thisa summer ..i love my birds but i love warm weather more it seems ..lol..

everythings froze here this morning .toilit,hot water to the kitchen and bathroom sink, front door was froze shut..played heck trying to get the waterers changed out..just another day in western ny ..ugh..
DW doesn't mind taken care of the chickens while I'm away and of course I do it myself when she's away. Now we have DD and hers and they've agreed to take care of them while we're away. DW doesn't wash eggs though. Just puts them in a bowl in the fridge.

Why is your water frozen? If you have a crawl space you need to fix that before you have worse problems. We had new bathroom put in over an enclosed area to the cellar. It would freeze, so I put a 100 watt bulb in the socket and left it on 24/7. Water was still cold but not frozen. I also wrapped the pipes.

Here I went around during the day and sealed things up with that foam stuff. With the light off I could see any small cracks. Much as I try not to get messy I do. I've learned to wear old cloths when using that stuff.

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