NY chicken lover!!!!

They have chickens in Texas Too !
Anyway Im looking for 2 blue egg layers pullets this year ...

We'll see what happens with these eggs. I only charge $1 million dollars each. I know it's a lot but I only need to sell one.

Course I could sell them for $25,000 each and then I wouldn't have to work all year.

When I grew up we were so poor we couldn't afford a dog. So we had to take turns biting the mailman.

Seriously, the apartment I grew up in was so small the mice were hunched back.
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Super cold here too...But then again it is super cold all over NY! No froze pipes here thank god. We have a heater in the back room so the washer and sink back there. We leave the cabinet doors open so the sink pipes don't freeze. (knock on wood) we haven't had a problem here. In our old apartment the pipes used to freeze all the time.

Didn't get out till late this morning so everyone was very mad at me. I'll make it up to them. I have some leftovers from the last few days that I have been saving for them that I'll warm up before I bring them out. Just a few comb tips that are looking a little rough, overall everyone but my white silkie looked good. Not sure what happened to her, but her comb and crest were all red and bloody. I think that someone was picking on her. So she is now in the infirmary in the back room. Got some nice warm water and something to eat. Gave her a few treats, Like them to know that having to be inside isn't a bad thing. Now that she has settled down I'll have to go get her cleaned up. May just give her a bubble bath. She's a nice shade of poop gray instead of white. I'll hook up the dryer so that she's good and dry before I toss her back out.

Getting impatient waiting for mu incubator to get here. They are taking their jolly old time shipping it. It is supposed to get here before the end of the week. Can't get here fast enough.

Thanks for all your kind words. We are all doing fine. My shoulder is still super sore, but I'll manage just a pain to shovel. They are getting the car in the garage today or tomorrow so we can get an estimate as to how much the damage is going to cost. Right now looks to be around the $2500 range if he can hammer and fix the hood, if not the total will be going up some more....Wish that we had collision, but what yah going to do...It is what it is. Luckily we have a body man in the family and it will cost us less then if we had to take it to a different shop...Cars can be fixed, just glad that we are all fine.

Minus 10 this morning with a windchill of you better move really fast letting the chickens out or youll freeze where you stand. Dh had to do water duty yesterday while I was at work and Im on it today. My poor rir boys combs have some frostbite on them. Doesnt seem to bother them but it does me. Everyone piled out this morning, including the silkies. Silly birds. Reds are lined up on the ramp and inside in the front window soaking up the sun. Silkies are doing alright. The one run is getting sun right now at the front where there is no plastic so they are all piled up there. Legolas coop is getting sun but they are just hanging out underneath. Tough little birds. I see from previous posts that those of you upstate are getting some really low temps. I feel for all of you.

Jlaw--I hope you and yours and your cheeps are doing okay. I think of you during these extreme weather conditions.

We are definately moving south. Just a question of when. Depends on which comes first for dh--retirement, layoffs or company closing. My mother lives in athens, ga, now and coming from governeur, she is very happy to not be dealing with snow and cold any more. We will be happy to do that too!

Maybe by march it will only be a polar vortex instead of an ice age.

Be safe everyone.

Minus 10 this morning with a windchill of you better move really fast letting the chickens out or youll freeze where you stand. Dh had to do water duty yesterday while I was at work and Im on it today. My poor rir boys combs have some frostbite on them. Doesnt seem to bother them but it does me. Everyone piled out this morning, including the silkies. Silly birds. Reds are lined up on the ramp and inside in the front window soaking up the sun. Silkies are doing alright. The one run is getting sun right now at the front where there is no plastic so they are all piled up there. Legolas coop is getting sun but they are just hanging out underneath. Tough little birds. I see from previous posts that those of you upstate are getting some really low temps. I feel for all of you.

Jlaw--I hope you and yours and your cheeps are doing okay. I think of you during these extreme weather conditions.

We are definately moving south. Just a question of when. Depends on which comes first for dh--retirement, layoffs or company closing. My mother lives in athens, ga, now and coming from governeur, she is very happy to not be dealing with snow and cold any more. We will be happy to do that too!

Maybe by march it will only be a polar vortex instead of an ice age.

Be safe everyone.

Did I ask you, What do you get when you sit in the snow to long? ans: Polaroids.

I keep asking DW to move but she says no. I may move there by myself.

Which reminds me to look for places on line first.
My poor rir boys combs have some frostbite on them. Doesnt seem to bother them but it does me
It sure IS !
Have you tried Raw egg white on their combs ? let it dry then put them back out ?
It works wonders for all kinds of healing ...Burns , etc
This is a controversial treatment ...but I found it work s .
I dont know if you wash your eggs ? I do my last wash with a little white vinegar for anti bacterial purposes
Anyone have any advice on swollen waddles? Obviously it is because of the cold and the rooster is inside and starting to come back to life and all the others are fine. He did drink a little water.
Just want to know if anyone has advice on what to do now?
Did I ask you, What do you get when you sit in the snow to long? ans: Polaroids.

I keep asking DW to move but she says no. I may move there by myself.

Which reminds me to look for places on line first.

my husband after cleaning off the roof yesterday said he wants to move to a trailer park (easier maintenance). Ummmm I can't have chickens there. SO no. We are staying here. =)÷π˚
Anyone have any advice on swollen waddles? Obviously it is because of the cold and the rooster is inside and starting to come back to life and all the others are fine. He did drink a little water.
Just want to know if anyone has advice on what to do now?
I have never seen that before. Just being in the warmth will help probably
Quote: Sounds nice ! do you have just a few chickens ?
I chop everything so the older / top of the pecking order Piggies dont hog eveything ...with 22 chickens I want eveyone to get some of the treat.
The kale could also be put in one of those Suet baskets to peck at .
I sometimes put cabbage , Lettuce , bananas , squash or pumpkins in that
-21 here:(

Hubbie put a heater in the coop last night and it was a balmy 20 in there this am!! Thank goodness...I get real worried about losing tons of birds when it hits -30/-40 and it has many times last Winter!
Sounds like you have a thermometer in your coop ..I DO TOO ! so I know what the temp is .
I looked at it yesterday ..with no heat & the door partially open it was 25 in there ..
Havent checked it yet today ...I dont want to go out ...LOL ...BBRRRRR
When I win a million ..i will look you up ...Ive been talking with Metella too ...about blue eggs ..
She promised me some Pics ..you got any pics ?

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