NY chicken lover!!!!

I am a soon to be chicken owner (hopefully) about 5 miles east of Rochester, NY. I am looking for any input or information on breeds and coops from people around my area. I have looked at Many hatcheries and narrowed it down to Meyer in OH. I found a local hatchery in Macedon, but the timing for the breeds I am interested in won't work.
I plan to construct a chicken tractor for 8 or so pullets/ hens. We have 70 acres, but a Lot of predators, so I am not comfortable with free range (yet). We have registered pygmy goats and miniature donkeys and barn cats.
I am looking for good layers with the possibility of meat. Not crazy broody, cold hardy and docile/ friendly are pluses. I have narrowed it down to Americaunas/ Easter Eggers, Black Australorps, Speckled Sussex and Barred Plymouth Rocks. Would 2 of each be a good plan?
What vaccines should the chicks have or should get in the future? What about deworming and any other treatments?
Any more info, links, suggestions and possible local chicks would be great!
Thanks a bunch and can't wait to join in the love of these critters!

I knew I missed your entrance. All the breeds you mention are nice. To bad your to the east. I'm getting ready to hatch again starting this friday. I have Dels and EE's. They will be done on the 23rd of March. EE's are free here. I just hatch cuz I like to. No telling what will turn up in these though. This last batch they are all black. I may put in some Orps too but since there are both black and buff in there can't say what the chicks will look like. I'm working on moving them to separate coops but can't work outside til it hits at least 50*

Moving on,

We are just east of Rochester, so that means we are closer to you in Syracuse. What age are you selling/ letting the chicks go? Are they guaranteed to be pullets? I really like the black birds, they are really pretty!

I knew I missed your entrance. All the breeds you mention are nice. To bad your to the east. I'm getting ready to hatch again starting this friday. I have Dels and EE's. They will be done on the 23rd of March. EE's are free here. I just hatch cuz I like to. No telling what will turn up in these though. This last batch they are all black. I may put in some Orps too but since there are both black and buff in there can't say what the chicks will look like. I'm working on moving them to separate coops but can't work outside til it hits at least 50*

Moving on,

An update guys!
I talked to Anthony and Jeffrey at A&J Domani Ranch this morning. What a Wealth of knowledge and nice! I placed an order with them for an assortment of 8 heavy layers. Kind of excited to see what I get! It would have been very hard to each of the breeds I wanted alone, so I could possibly get each of mine plus more!
I should be getting my pullets in early April, so I will definitely update you all then.
Thanks So So much again!
Mad - The Columbians are done for the most part. I have one that is late and I think mispositioned in the shell. I cracked some of the shell of and saw blood so I put it back in the bator and said a prayer and shot off some e-mail for advice. Out of 12 there are 8 in the brooder.

vmdan - Buckeyes oh my. I don't have them but not up to ordering eggs to hatch either. Plus I'd like them but what to give up.

Everyone else - Started to go to the farmers market but visibility was bad so turned around and went to AC Moore bought some yarn stopped at Tim Hortons for donuts and came home.

For those who have allergies. Have you tried drugs? I have allergies too. 35 shots, ouch! They don't test for birds though, at least that's what I got told. I take an allergy pill and I keep some face masks in the drawer. I'm allergic to cats, dogs, dust, pollen and stupid people, but I get by. When my son in law comes I have to take two pills. Lord have mercy!

I have some EE's and a Lav Amer roo and since I can get blue and green eggs, I'm not into show. I expect to make a flock of Marans , EE's and Amer's so I can get a combination of colored eggs. Keeping my lav amer roo and a Birchen marans roo in the flock with Birchen marans, EE and Amer hens.

Tgrlily I am very sorry to hear of your decision and trust you have looked at all options and got a second opinion before coming to your decision. I had hoped to give you some Dels to work with since you show and I do not. I've even ordered chicks from Paul Harter to improve the line.

Well take care every one and be careful if you drive, Love ya,

Just got home from work. Pulled over and took a pic. This is what it looked like:

The chicken were not out today, or if they were, the tracks are all blown in.
They also managed to crowd behind the screen door and close it.
Now if they could only manage their own pen cleaning.
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Wow was pretty nice here today.. we got maybe an inch of snow last night but at least half of it melted today. Very windy, but other than that no more snow.

wow, just over the hill from you at our house, it was white out conditions for a while. Chatham, nothing happening snow wise. Canaan, gods country. There is only about 3/4 of an inch on the ground, but it all came within 1/2 hour of time.

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