NY chicken lover!!!!

Hey all just so ya'll know I have guns but if you come to my house the laser on you isn't from any of my guns. I'm training my 8 inch fluff balls of death. I figure my kids and wife can all use the hand laser. Now that your confused check out my video.

sorry had to edit a few times to get video to work right

That is great! We have a laser for our cats, wait till I tell the kids to test it out on the birds.

Anyone live out in the sticks like me and treat their lawn with anything to keep the ticks away? (I know, I know, I need more chickens!) Summer isn't even here yet and I've had it with these nasty things! Was outside yesterday for not even an hour and pulled another 2 off my dog (after finding two the day prior), had one crawling on the sleeve of my hoodie, and last night when my daughter was getting into her jams she had one on the outter side of her armpit. Also, what is it that will keep the ticks OFF my dog - Frontline or Advantix?? I'm going to Home Depot today to try to find something I can spray around the perimeter of my lawn that won't be harmful to the chickens, but I doubt that'll help.

No pesticides please. Kills all the good bugs too, like honey bees
. More chickens and reduce tall grasses if you can. The ticks like to stay on those and wait for a meal.

Seems we are getting a game cam today, but for a different kind of game. Trying to catch a thief. Our landscape business is next door to a house we own and rent to an employee. We have had a few things missing recently, and this morning we are missing a $200 set of aluminum ramps.
We WILL catch him, with pictures to show the police. Scumbag.

At least we will have a game cam we've been talking about getting!

Sorry, theft sucks. No nice way about it. Catch the low life buggers!
I agree, I would be afraid to treat the lawn with anything, I'm sure you could find something all natural though :idunno just check the ingredients carefully.

My vote is STAY AWAY FROM STOREBRAND. I bought one of the comparable storebrand flea/tick preventatives, I put it on last week and my dogs still have nasty greasy streaks down their backs. I've also found a couple of ticks on them. The problem is my dogs like to go under the deck when it's hot out. Maybe I should shoo all the chickens under the deck some day and let them go to town. Or borrow my neighbors guineas and put them under there for awhile...

I agree, don't use cheaper flea and tick preventative. Not only do they not work, they can hurt/kill your pet. I work at an animal hospital and so often pets come with serious neurological issues because their owners used BioSpot, Seargants, Hartz.. My boyfriend unknowingly killed his young (about 1 year old) cat by putting biospot (for cats) on him. That was 10 years ago and the SAME stuff is still for sale in stores all over. It sickens me! These "treatments" are well known for causing problems, making pets very sick and even killing them. Personally, I don't understand how they can still be sold. Stick with getting flea and tick preventative from your vet. Even the frontline sold at retail stores like petco/petsmart could be fakes (made in China imposters). There's a way to tell if its real by looking at the lot number but I can't remember the details, google it if you're interested. Technically, to get frontline and other prescription flea/tick preventatives, you have to be a licensed vet. Pet stores aren't vets.
And yea, advantix is bad for cats.
I'd be afraid to treat the lawn with anything (pesticide) if you free range your birds. Not sure, but it would sure concern me.
I have free range birds (some of the time) and I agree, I don't put any sort of chemicals on my lawn. not even fertilizers and such. Never been a lawn person so I don't care if it's gorgeous. With the electronetting, I won't get deer marching through so I generally have fewer ticks unless we go into the forest (which is hopeless, so we just have to deet up and hope for the best).
Thanks Everyone,
I'll do some research online for home remedies on keeping the ticks away. Our lawn is too short to be mowed, but maybe once we start mowing it that will help some. Apparently these things have developed wings and are flying in from the woods because we have been staying far way from the higher brush/woods.

And I'll be calling my vet today for Frontline. We do have a cat and seeing as how she loves to tackle out dog when he's not looking I don't want her coming into contact with anything that can harm her. So thanks for that info!!
Today is day 24 for my hatch. I still see some rocking so I haven't given up yet. One is halfway unzipped but I think it quit. Other than that there isn't even any pips
I don't know what went wrong.

So sorry - that's really too bad. It's a lot of anticipation and then to be disappointed...
Will you try again now?

Seems we are getting a game cam today, but for a different kind of game. Trying to catch a thief. Our landscape business is next door to a house we own and rent to an employee. We have had a few things missing recently, and this morning we are missing a $200 set of aluminum ramps.
We WILL catch him, with pictures to show the police. Scumbag.

At least we will have a game cam we've been talking about getting!

We have a game cam just to see what wildlife is kicking around on our property. It gives us a lot of enjoyment (when it works properly). Our property is heavily posted with NO TRESPASSING / NO HUNTING signs. Just shy of 5 acres, and yet we caught a bow hunter on the game cam twice this past fall. Infuriating. Kids and pets playing all the time. Unfortunately, his face was not caught on either image. Grrrrr. Put your cam somewhere discreet, or you may find the thief has stolen it as well. It will probably give an audible flash if he's coming at night which will give it away.

I agree, I would be afraid to treat the lawn with anything, I'm sure you could find something all natural though
just check the ingredients carefully.

My vote is STAY AWAY FROM STOREBRAND. I bought one of the comparable storebrand flea/tick preventatives, I put it on last week and my dogs still have nasty greasy streaks down their backs. I've also found a couple of ticks on them. The problem is my dogs like to go under the deck when it's hot out. Maybe I should shoo all the chickens under the deck some day and let them go to town. Or borrow my neighbors guineas and put them under there for awhile...

That's exactly what happened when I bought the Hartz (cheap) brand. No more! It's still sitting there in the cabinet, with only 1 packet used. Ugh! Complete waste.

And I'll be calling my vet today for Frontline. We do have a cat and seeing as how she loves to tackle out dog when he's not looking I don't want her coming into contact with anything that can harm her. So thanks for that info!!

You're welcome!

With regard to deer ticks, I've read that they frequently do climb up quite high (3 - 4') in hopes of hitching on to a host. Maybe showers after the last play time outside and a brisk toweling down would help with the kids. But I know, as a mom myself, that what sounds like a good idea and what happens in real life don't often align!!! Good luck.

We live in a TICK HAVEN!! My hubby collects the clippings each time he mows and discards it at the edge of the property. That eliminates a lot of them... I also use the Advantix for my dog. Anything besides a home brew with essential oils that you purchase will NOT BE SAFE for your Chooks.
a big flock of Sumatra's wiped out my tick haven. We were LOADED with tics and ground hornets. Tics are virtuallygone and I watch the Sumatra's sit over a ground hornet nest and eat all day long until none are left.
We have a game cam just to see what wildlife is kicking around on our property. It gives us a lot of enjoyment (when it works properly). Our property is heavily posted with NO TRESPASSING / NO HUNTING signs. Just shy of 5 acres, and yet we caught a bow hunter on the game cam twice this past fall. Infuriating. Kids and pets playing all the time. Unfortunately, his face was not caught on either image. Grrrrr.


Hunters like that piss me off. I hunt deer shotgun/riffle no bow. Its hard to find places to hunt cause of hunters like that they go where they aint suppose to go with out permission or they trash the place. We lost one hunting spot this past year due to the guys neighbors complaining about us going on they're area. When in fact they was on the guys land cause I was the one who found them as I was pushing around exploreing the back side of his land. I'm down to 2 privet land spots to hunt and one of them always has people there. Wish I was from up here but I grew up in Cincinnati Oh. Wife and her family are from around here but don't know of many places to hunt. Oh well enough complaining. Hope you can get pics of them next year or set a cam up to watch the road get the license plate and see them leave car with bow going into your land.


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