NY chicken lover!!!!

I can't stand to hear this poor lonely chick cheeping its head off. Its not only sad but frustrating as I have tried everything to quiet her and nothing works. She wont eat wont drink I don't even think she sleeps! I wish I had time to get her friends today. There never seems to be enough time for anything.
Would a mirror work for now? Like they do with parakeets and other caged parrot type birds? The illusion of company?

So the big jars are half gallon jars! There are also various smaller jars. I can't wait to get lids for the ones I'm not using for the chicks. I want to start canning my veggies from the garden this year!
Welcome! I'm nowhere near you, but I'm sure others here are

Can anyone tell me how to disinfect wood? I was driving home from a movie tonight and on the way, found two barred rock hens huddled in the road in the rain. I stopped to be sure they weren't hit, and they weren't, but they're terrifyingly skinny and there was no house with a coop anywhere in the area, so I brought them home and, for the night, tossed them in an extra run I had built FAR away from my flock that I use to house chicks until I get my abandoned tool shed A.K.A the quarantine area set up for them tomorrow. I want to be able to use that run, though, and I want to be sure it's safe before I put any chicks anywhere near it, JUST in case. What can I use to disinfect the wood? Outward appearances indicate the birds are healthy besides their undernourishment, but one can never be too careful!

Also, I'd love to worm them with DE too, while I'm at it. How do I do that? Just mix it in with their food, or is there a certain amount they need to get or anything?

Lucky for them. May have just wandered off and couldn't find their way home.

Speaking of DE Earth health works had 50# bags for $27.50. First time I ordered it and had it delivered to the house. The price of gas made it worth it. No sense driving 40 miles. Not sure what the shipping is this time but last total was $42. They put it right in my garage. No lifting for me.
I was wondering if any one used a high power air rifle to help as a pest/predator "deterrent"? I have a neighbor that is far enough away by law to use one of my powder rifles but they can be a PITA. So If I can do it without ruffling any feathers it would be worth the couple hundred bucks.

Holy giant quiches!

That was one of the TSC chicks, think it got pushed around too much and just didn't recover. Anything I get now will have to be the same age group as the others I picked up. Was hoping for at least one more white egg layer out if the 2 brown leghorns I got, but maybe add a blue egg layer instead.

I have brown leghorn chicks. Piles of them! 34 I think actually. If you need a few send me a PM. Not sure how far away you are though.
I can't stand to hear this poor lonely chick cheeping its head off. Its not only sad but frustrating as I have tried everything to quiet her and nothing works. She wont eat wont drink I don't even think she sleeps! I wish I had time to get her friends today. There never seems to be enough time for anything.

Oh maybe it was you that needed a couple chicks. Ah, whoever needs some and want to pick them up PM me. I only paid $1 each for them. Think they are 3-4 weeks old now.
I was wondering if any one used a high power air rifle to help as a pest/predator "deterrent"? I have a neighbor that is far enough away by law to use one of my powder rifles but they can be a PITA. So If I can do it without ruffling any feathers it would be worth the couple hundred bucks.

I think it was stonelkiller that used a pellet gun to kill a weasel. I plan on useing pellet gun.
Welcome Genie, I'm not near you either, but wanted to say hi :)

So we suddenly lost our little week old white bantam two days ago. It was both of the kids favorite of course...

The only thing that indicated anything was wrong was it was cheeping loudly periodically, even though the temp was good (it wasn't choosing to be closer to the warm lamp or far away), it was feathering like the others, but didn't grow as fast in the week we had it, and had a bit of pasty butt which I kept cleaned... also, I thought strange, it was the only one that wouldn't lay down to sleep, always stood, but in my hand would lay down, so I know it could (that was why I thought maybe it was cold, again, it didn't choose to be in the warmest area of the brooder though). I did see it eating and all. I watched it nearly all day for clues to the loud cheeping... I had only last been watching it at the most 1/2 an hour before I found it laying down. I thought "oh good it is feeling better" but then I saw it gasping (I assume for air). Nothing helped (gently stroked it's throat in case something was stuck etc.) Died in my hands in only a few minutes.

Sorry to hear. You did your best for it. Sometimes it's just not meant to be.
I was wondering if any one used a high power air rifle to help as a pest/predator "deterrent"? I have a neighbor that is far enough away by law to use one of my powder rifles but they can be a PITA. So If I can do it without ruffling any feathers it would be worth the couple hundred bucks.

I use a .22.Does the job with grey squirrels(9) and red squirrels(2). Haven't needed more than that. Squirrels are repopulating. I need to target practice...OH WAIT!! THEY are the target practice!!!

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