NY chicken lover!!!!

For the pen, I want to have at least one decent sized section of the translucent roofing panels to allow some sunlight to penetrate. I was wondering if you see a build-up of any mold or algae on these clear pieces? I have seen some options in Lowes, but not sure of the quality and durability of these plastic roofing sheets.


no I don't see any build up
Speaking of bunnies, our two are acting more differently with each other than they ever have. The male has decided to not to be beat upon by the female anymore and she's acting almost scared of him now. I have a feeling we're going to have babies in a few weeks.
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Hi jlawson83 - I was looking at your coop build photos, and feel compelled to offer some feedback. I do not work in construction, and have no special training in the field. So my analysis here may be worth just what you paid for it.
I have built a few things that have not fallen down.

The thing that caught my attention was the lack of double headers at the top of your side walls. You used them on the back wall. In my edited photo, the purple is where the header should go, and the pink arrows show your back wall header. In my opinion, the lack of double headers that interlock with the adjoining wall, creates the potential for structural failure. The walls should be mutually supporting, and support the roof. In your construction the roof is the thing joining the front and rear walls.

The main issue will be snow load. I looked up Forestville, and you are smack in the middle of lake effect snow. Your roof pitch is only 1 in 4. Choosing asphalt shingles means the snow will not self-shed. With the weight of plywood, and shingles and snow, you are creating a dangerous situation with that means of construction. The red arrows show the way the snow load will work on the front and back walls. The front ( tall )wall will fail first. The warning will be when the door will not open. ( door frame no longer square, door binds )

Here is an example of a coop, and you can see the header on all four sides, which gives it structural integrity.

Possible solutions -

Redo the roof and side wall construction using commonly accepted building practice. ( do you need a building inspection in your town ?)

Reduce weight by going to a corrugated metal roof. The metal roof will also shed snow more readily.

Hope you take these comments in the helpful spirit they were intended. I felt I needed to say something, because I think the potential exists for property damage or injury.
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Speaking of bunnies, our two are acting more differently with each other than they ever have. The male has decided to not to be beat upon by the female anymore and she's acting almost scared of him now. I have a feeling we're going to have babies in a few weeks.

Yesterday while we sat in the yard having dinner, the chickens came closer to us and scared a bunny into the garage. I hope it found it's way out later. I've been seeing them around in the evening. They are enough for me.

Lynzii - I don't care what anyone says Silkies do not count as farm animals. No ifs and or buts! There is not way you could feed a family with Silkies. Unless of course you used them as feed for another animal that you used for food.
Lynzii - I don't care what anyone says Silkies do not count as farm animals. No ifs and or buts! There is not way you could feed a family with Silkies. Unless of course you used them as feed for another animal that you used for food.
Well Rancher, I must say last year my two silkie hens gave us many more eggs than my two Orps. I don't know what I'm going to do with all these eggs this year. My parents are coming up next weekend and I think I'll be sending them home with 4 dozen at least! A pic of our baby buns:
Well Rancher, I must say last year my two silkie hens gave us many more eggs than my two Orps. I don't know what I'm going to do with all these eggs this year. My parents are coming up next weekend and I think I'll be sending them home with 4 dozen at least!

A pic of our baby buns:

Those must be some sad Orpingtons.
Anyone near Cobleskill? If so, check out this ad in CL http://albany.craigslist.org/zip/3782508616.html 6 free chicks cuz hubby brought them home from Agway. LOL

I don't know which is worse. Him buying them and not knowing anything about them or her calling her husband stupid. I see divorce in her future if he's smart.

I sent a message to join us here. It's a happy couple who share at least some of the same interests and support each other. Unless of course it's illegal.
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