NY chicken lover!!!!

A fellow chicken keeper near Newburgh is looking for someone who does processing in his area. If anyone knows anywhere, please send me a message and I will pass it along. Thank you.
Morning all! Another delightful cool morning. Came home yesterday and did some housekeeping on the big coops. Scrubbed waterers and refilled them and filled food and turned over litter. Lots of dust (cough cough) so I know its dry! Released the beasts so they could freerange while I was busy. Of course the nosy ones followed me around getting under foot and yacking my ears off. I swear they are trying to kill me sometimes being under foot like that. The taters ran over to Little Mans coop/run and got a drink from their water bowl. I was kinda nervous as Roger was acting assertively as he and the other taters went over. Little Man and his girl were outside at the other end of their coop. I guess seeing the four taters at the door of his run where they could go in and bother his broody girls was too much for him and so he ran off the taters. Roger and Bill both tower over Little Man by a lot but are still young enough yet to respect an older rooster enought to leave when told to. I was just happy that nothing happened.

Rancher--its always hard to downsize when you love your cheeps. Hopefully someone will barter with you for some of your extras. Good luck getting all your tarps up. Hopefully someone gives you a hand with those panels. I dont have a garden as I kill plants. Ive tried but I end up killing everything. Im real good at chickens though! lol

Lynzi--glad to see your silkies are laying. My broody wenches wont break and momma is not done with her chicks yet. Sigh--love them but seriously over this broody nonsense!

Off to the pharm today with two fill ins. And I wonder why my hair is getting grayer by the day.
Rudy from CT! I grew up in Wilton, welcome! I am looking for a lead on someone who processes chickens in the greater Syracuse area. Maybe a place that processes deer? I'm not a hunter, and it is not something that is needed immediately, just knowledge to keep until needed.
I heard a crazy noise in the run this morning so I go running out to see who was beating who up. I get out there and it was my frizzle roo learning to crow :) Craziest noise I've heard, like a broken squeaky toy.

Rancher have you tried http://www.tarpsplus.com/? I would love to see pictures can't wait. I was thinking about doing the same with the panels. I'm only asking about the tarps so I don't spend money I don't need too. Love the advice thanks again.

Lynzi I'm so happy gru is doing his job good boy!

For a half hoop coop, 50" wide it would take 8 panels. That would include a 40" over hang. Though it would get hot in direct sun. I have one in the shade and it's much better.

This is the one I just replace the plastic with a tarp. The sun just caused the plastic to disintergrate.

This is the one in the shade. You can see the over hang which is nice to keep snow and rain out.

8 plastic panels at HD would cost $112.88 plus tax. One tarp $10 - $31. In the shade the tarp should last longer.
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Morning Everyone,
Boys are crowing away and I hear some clucking coming from the girls, well one girl...Maybe I'll get an egg from the orps today. I put plastic eggs in their nestboxes that have been there for two days now. C'mon girls! Get with it! I'm almost tempted to leave them in the coop all day today to see if I get an egg. If I do then I'll wonder if they have in fact been laying out in the yard somewhere. Which is just odd. My girls have always laid in the nest boxes. And even after moving coops a couple feet over to the left, the BR was still laying those few eggs here and there in the nest box. Which is why I think they're just still not laying instead of laying out in the yard somewhere.

Sally - Sorry to hear about your mom. Glad you're able to have the time to spend with her though!

Nutty ~ You'll have to share pics of your barn when it's complete. Now is this barn going to be one big "coop" for the chickens, ducks, etc? How many wing'ed friends are you up to now?

Pharm ~ Enjoy your day!

I hear LOTS and LOTS of chicken songs going on now!!! How many eggs will it be?? 2? 3 maybe?? So excited!!
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Rancher I used a white tarp on my hoop coop. It's in direct sun all day. It's only been 4 months but it still looks good. It's also def cooler inside the coop then outside ESP on those 90 degree days we had.

I picked white so during the winter months it will hopefully be lighter inside. It's suppose to artic, uv, and wind proof. It's a thicker tarp that hasn't unraveled at all where I made holes for vents. Other tarps I have start getting strings as soon you cut it :/

I like your over hang. It looks like a little porch you could sit on :)
Made breakfast this morning and found out why the new layer has such big eggs for a pullet... they were both double yolkers. Poor girl! Two large yolks on the right are from Frenchie, the four small yolks on the left from my mystery layer (I'm pretty sure it's Codex, the Red Sex Link)

Oh, also, they're all fertile.
Duane is doing his job.
Thanks Rancher that helps!

Have a good day Pharm

Lynzi I have my fingers crossed for you

Brella omg that's crazy double yolks! Hope breakfast is good.

Off subject here a friend is looking for a black & white Husky with blue eyes if anyone knows a breeder would be great.

Ok off to work!
Nutty--Glad to heat that King is doing well. Hope he is behaving much better than when you first got him.

Jlaw-- Your maran when she starts laying will be at least a 4 on the scale you posted if she's like her parents.

This summer has been so busy. Always something going on and I haven't been able to got on the computer much. So many posts! I think the rain we got earlier this season washed a lot of nutrients from the soil in my garden. The veggies seem stunted, smaller than I have ever had before. I'm off to give them some plant food and see if it helps.

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