NY chicken lover!!!!

Rudy from CT! I grew up in Wilton, welcome! I am looking for a lead on someone who processes chickens in the greater Syracuse area. Maybe a place that processes deer? I'm not a hunter, and it is not something that is needed immediately, just knowledge to keep until needed.


I was just hoping to get a name to pass along to someone who doesn't want to process himself. Oh well. .
morning all. I was late getting up to let everyone out and boy did I ever hear about it. Had my first challenge today. I reached in to pet the divas and taters before opening the pop door and Roger, my rir boy, grabbed my hand. He got the surprise of his life when I grabbed him by the hackles and pinned him to the floor. He was screaming like a girl he was so scared. I did it twice and then held him upside down while I was busy refilling the tube feeder and such. Gladys came over to "help" me with Roger but let when she saw I had him well in hand (pun intended). I then turned him right side up and held his beak while telling him no. I do believe he is still hiding in the coop. His brother Bill was hiding at the very back of the coop while this was happening making very nervous bawking and pacing. I think he got the message as well. The divas had no problem with any of what was going on. They just went about their business as usual. The rir girls werent quite sure what to do.

Off to the pharm for another fun filled day.

That band was cool this the band I went to see Monday night!

TOB thanks he works well with chickens and he handles them well.

good morning off to work this morning, love my career but hate working with people who don't know fertilizer is made from poo and that there are different time zones, the list goes on and gets ridiculous, ugh.

Nutty I hope your doing ok.

PhArm I hope it stays cool enough for you

Lynzi, I wonder if ducks have better night vision and maybe that is why they party. I can't wait to get my ducks next year.

Have a great day everyone
well pharm I had somewhat same thing. My roo I think tried attacking me. I let out the big coop and went to check on the injured lady and her 2 friends I have in there. as I was stooping to open the door the roo landed or scraped my feet. I chased him around the yard with a shovel. The bugger learned it extended my reach so I had to chuck it at him to even get the tip of handle to hit him. he ran off to the weeds around my old barn. Tomorrow I aint letting the big coop out until I have him in hand then he's going to spend some alone time with me for about an hour or so. This is getting old. I know he's mad I took away his main girl cause she was hurt, then I put another red in with her yesterday and she aint happy eather. I thought the red might have had egg problems had some yolk around vent but today already she laid and egg or maybe late last night.

I get my turkey's today. The guy said all of them already act like toms strutting around and trying to gobble and they are only a few days old. Just hope my little coop is big enough for them don't know if any blackhead is going around up here so don't want to put them in with all the chickens. Girls in little coop will be moved out to big one when I move turkeys in there.

Side question. Is it common for a chicken to make the I laid an egg song all day long. My leghorn after laying her first egg does it all the time now. Makes my roo think something is wrong he comes running like the devil is after his girl. She will even look in a nest box see another hen there and then start making the sound for them. I think She is louder and sounds off more than my roo all day long. She normaly starts up alittle before laying but then it's all day long at least until I go to work at 2pm so like a good 6-8 hours she will just randomly say look at my egg as she runs around coop and yard.
Do your ducks live alone?   Mine go in with the Hens, cuz  hen raised them and all the chickens go in the coop, so the ducks do too.  One coop, no choice, unless they want to be locked out for the night.

Yes they are in their own coop. However I recently moved it closer to the chickens because they hang out up near their coop until they're ready to "go home". Moving it isn't causing them to stay out late though because they've been like this for the last month or so. Last night they were out there past 9:30 and I finally had to herd them in to their coop. I was watching them before hand though and one kept going in and out of the chicken coop. So now I leave both open until everyone is in and then I go up there to close everyone up. Maybe they want to be with the chickens but are a little skeptical of the idea? We'll see. Maybe one night they'll join them.

Lynzi, I wonder if ducks have better night vision and maybe that is why they party. I can't wait to get my ducks next year.

Have a great day everyone

Maybe! Lol I love my ducks! What kind will you be getting? My husband (the one I had to beg to let me get ducks) actually said to me the other day, "let's get rid of the chickens and get more ducks!" I want more but need to make their house bigger first.
Side question. Is it common for a chicken to make the I laid an egg song all day long. My leghorn after laying her first egg does it all the time now. Makes my roo think something is wrong he comes running like the devil is after his girl. She will even look in a nest box see another hen there and then start making the sound for them. I think She is louder and sounds off more than my roo all day long. She normaly starts up alittle before laying but then it's all day long at least until I go to work at 2pm so like a good 6-8 hours she will just randomly say look at my egg as she runs around coop and yard.
I have a hen that (very loudly) announces everyone else's business... for a long time. It won't go on all day, but typically several hours and she sometimes gets a couple other girls going. We call her Gladys Cravetz.
So anyhow I did a quick drop in cuz I learned something I didn't realize and wanted to share, from the new Grit about compost and deep litter.

The ratio of carbonaceous (new word for me) material and nitrogen ( in chicken manure). Anyhow what I learned is that when there is an imbalance you get the ammonia smell.

So I guess that means to add more carbonaceous material right? (leaves, wood chips etc. etc. brown stuff ) I have been considering just taking the straw or hay spreading it out on the lawn and running it over with the lawnmower with the bag on. Then dumping it into the run all nicely chopped up. I'll keep you posted as to how that works out.

While the article did mention not using hay due to a molding, it did say he was trying a mix of oak leaves and straw. (the straw I get at Country Max is nice and dry and I like it much better than what I got from a guy on CL. I like to use it in the run to keep things dry.)

Now I do have a question of sorts. My coops are nice and dry due to all the DE that I spread around, so I was thinking that that would help to keep the runs dry and mold free. Right? Because the coops are so dry I just toss the cleaning in the large hoop coop to the floor of the run.

I do put bales of hay in the runs and they do get wet on the bottoms. Because they break down I replace them with new spreading the old on the floor of the run. If I tossed DE over the top of them that should be good enough to kill any mold right?

Okay that it. I'm off to work in the yard and make some jam. Oh and there is a craft/art show in the city this week end.

Take care,

Morning Everyone,
Trying to decide whether or not to take the kids and meet the fam over in Saratoga at the races. My son is being lazy and doesn't want to go so thats going to take some convincing if I do want to go. It's a 2hr drive for us but I'd like to go hang out at the track for a little bit then hit Dino for dinner with them before coming home. Decisions decisions....

How long can you wait on a fertile egg before starting incubation? I have one silkie egg that I'd like to try and hatch IF I get some eggs from the bigger ladies. This is the egg I got on the 25th. I'm going away next weekend and didn't want to start the incubator until after I come home, so that Monday. that egg should be fine right if I get others by then right? It'll be 11 days by then since it was laid.

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