NY chicken lover!!!!

I had a little Christmas miracle. When I went out to close up the coop for the night and catch Craig (my last duck) I couldn't find him...Well guess where he was..already in the chicken coop in the crate that I put in there for him all nice and tucked in the straw for the night.
I was sooooo happy!!!

Does anyone have a duck(s) that they would like to rehome or sell?
I'm going to start to look for a friend for Craig. I think he would like it to have another duck friend. (dh hasn't said no when i brought it up).

i take it craig is a boy?(what kind is he?) and would like a girl friend? I will be getting rid of 3 or 4 of my ducks,...... which ones is the debate. i have 10.
Actually, I have recently blocked someone. I find that certain people only bring me down and partaking of their negativity and hypocrisy is not what I come to BYC for. Sometimes it is best just to ignore people who just want to start trouble. I feel no need to subject myself to more stress.

I must confess there have been those who I wasn't fond of, before I learned I could block them. I just skipped over their posts.
I forced myself not to read them. Eventually they went away. Too I avoid the family posts and others that might cause me to say something contrary and upset them.

That's why I'm mostly here. You're my neighbors. I only have certain threads I participate in.

I believe everyone can be a pita, now and then, but such is life and love covers a multitude of sins. It can be very hard to convey our thoughts and emotions in writing.

I had someone ask me in person if the electricity between me and another person on BYC was for real and I said yes, but I'm not one for grudge holding and bitterness. That's why I unblocked them.

That's why one of my tags was " A friend loves at all times". Even when they tick you off. There are limits of course.
Then I have to go all postal on them.

You do what's right for you dear and don't let the stress get you down. After all I figure I'm not the one you blocked since you responded to my post.

Remember, "If you look for that bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you most surely will. ". - A Lincoln.

Love ya all ,


The weather is nice outside. I hope it doesn't get all muddy again.
Chat rooms from back when windows was like 3.1, and windows 95. Speed chat was fun. Not to mention all the spam bots or ad bots.
There used to be and instant chat on BYC , but I could never keep up. My fingers don't worlk right and i coldsn't help going baick to fix typing mistakes.
By the itme si ifis thigns they chat had moved to another subject.
Do you have a rescue that will spay or neuter it and relocate to a barn program? if not I can find you the number to the Cat Coalition.

Do you know Kay ? She's super nice and when my kids were younger she would bring feral kittens to the house for them to soften up. She even loaned us her own cage to keep them in. I have three girls and they would name and hold every kitten. Too Kay was a big help to us.

One time when I was delivering mail, I heard a kitten crying inside a boarded up house. I called Kay who lived nearby and she got the DOT to come and pull the board off the door so we could rescue the kitten. We searched the entire three story house but only found the one kitten. I was working at the time and could have gotten in trouble but I couldn't leave that poor kitten there.

I could always count on Kay.
Well I went to TSC and bought a Little giant to hatch out of. But I will be returning it tomorrow I think. They changed the design of it and there are no liners for it yet. I don't know if I want to try and clean Styrofoam. Seems like it would be a pain in the rear to clean.
I had my original gfc incubator for 10 years. after each hatch, I sprayed it with clorox cleanup, rinsed, and was good to go. They are not that fragile unless you drop them. I did have the plastic liner.

When I bought my new genesis, I ordered a liner but didn't know they come with the liner, so I have a new one available. They are only $8 but necessary.

Its a good thing you took back the LG. They are impossible and bad incubators. Cheap yes, but you get what you pay for. I see a lot of people complaining of bad hatches and turns out that is what they have. Also, they are not very tall. you could't hatch ducks in them cause their heads would touch the top.
Here is an interesting story about chicken feed, well, I think its interesting.

I decided to switch my feed. I bought Agway's 21% egg producer.The chickens ate it kinda, so so. I then bought Poulans feed for a dollar less per bad. 15% protein. (which, by the way, I will be buying the 19% next time)

I decided to test the feed with the chickens. I put out a dish of the 21% Agway, and a dish of the Poulans 15%layer. Right away, the chickens went over to the Poulans & ate it. I left the Agway feed dish there, figured they would eat it at some point in the day.

This morning when I went out to feed, the dish with the Agway feed was still full. They didn't eat it at all. The chickens are Marans, and if you know about them, they are really pigs, not chickens! They eat more than my other breeds.

I am going with the Poulans feed, even though the 19% protein will be a dollar more, its worth it. I've heard great things from people I know about it.

Just sharing my results. Now, if they lay better and are healthier I will report that as well.
Marquisella, I wanted to thank you for all the good information you have posted here for incubating. I paid attention and had a lot of good hatches with my own eggs last year, even the marans. Eggs from other people, shipped or picked up, mixed results. You are so right about how bad the LGs are. Mine did not even work well as a hatcher. I was adjusting it constantly trying to maintain temp and humidity. This year I will be focusing on Black Jersey Giants, LF Buff Cochins, and the lovely Blue Copper Marans I got from you. I lost one of the hens but have a very nice blue marans hen I got from Tab and Travis. Do you still have the blue coppers or are you completely out of them now? And you are right, the marans eat more than the other chickens, even the JGs.
Here is an interesting story about chicken feed, well, I think its interesting.

I decided to switch my feed. I bought Agway's 21% egg producer.The chickens ate it kinda, so so. I then bought Poulans feed for a dollar less per bad. 15% protein. (which, by the way, I will be buying the 19% next time)

I decided to test the feed with the chickens. I put out a dish of the 21% Agway, and a dish of the Poulans 15%layer. Right away, the chickens went over to the Poulans & ate it. I left the Agway feed dish there, figured they would eat it at some point in the day.

This morning when I went out to feed, the dish with the Agway feed was still full. They didn't eat it at all. The chickens are Marans, and if you know about them, they are really pigs, not chickens! They eat more than my other breeds.

I am going with the Poulans feed, even though the 19% protein will be a dollar more, its worth it. I've heard great things from people I know about it.

Just sharing my results. Now, if they lay better and are healthier I will report that as well.

Where did you buy Poulans? I too have been feeding Agways 21% and it hasn't resulted in any more eggs. I might be inclined to think it just results in fat chickens. My orps are very big as are my CR's and neither has laid one egg in months. Granted that are approaching three but still you'd think I'd get an occasional egg. Not one egg from the orps, RIR or EE's in that coop.

I've started giving them a pan of water thinking perhaps they're not getting enough from the nipples. The same with the Dels.

I may switch one coop to the Dumor and see what happens. My marans and EE's in the half hoop are laying okay. Not so in the half hoop inside the yard. Except for the Sussex I got from you. She's great.

The Dels aren't doing so good lately and the back large hoop with Marans, BR's and EE's I might get one or two eggs some days none.

I don't give them much scratch just couple of handfuls for breakfast.
i take it craig is a boy?(what kind is he?) and would like a girl friend? I will be getting rid of 3 or 4 of my ducks,...... which ones is the debate. i have 10.
Yes he is a drake. He is a Magpie that I got from Lynzi this summer. His Buddy Sanjay got killed on the 21st. I'm going to pick up a runner from Lynzi on Sunday. She is picking up an extra one for me, but I may be up for a girlfriend or 2 if you need to have them find a new home? What do you have? (I like having diffrent kinds) Where abouts are you again?


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