NY chicken lover!!!!

Was he making a cute noise too ? kind of like a growl ? He is trying to get your hens to go Broody !
My Samatra Roo does this once in a while ..It kind of looks like hes trying to lay a egg .
these are your nesting boxes right ? Are the tall enough for your hens to stand up ?

I have a couple of roo's that were making a growling purring noise last week when my son in law came up for the monthly clean out of the ducks! he thought it might be code for attack the guy with the pitch fork!!
I will do that for sure! In early fall we had a juvenile red tailed hawk here. It was perched on top of the ladies coop! Thank goodness for my guineas as they made so much noise. I chased the thing away with a big stick and kept the ladies locked up for a few days. Never saw him again. ( knock on wood).

a couple of shots in the air(if your in the country) with a 22 usually scares of red tails at least temporarily.
Holy ice! I hope this all melts today!

You guys did re-inspire me to try again with crocheting. I found a good tutorial that actually goes slow enough to follow.

Huntin fool do you sell the furs? I hear red fox went way up this year, someone in our area is paying $60-65/skin.

Well I spoke too soon before, my rooster has some bad frostbite. He's the only dum dum to sit right in front of the open vent on the west so I covered it up just high enough to block anything directly on him when he roosts up there. (I can't lower the roost) All the girls were at least smart enough to sit on the lower roost.
It looked like it was oozing a little last night but looked better this am. I put Iodine on it, spoiled everyone with warm oatmeal, garlic and oregano. I might try some coconut oil on it later.

a couple of shots in the air(if your in the country) with a 22 usually scares of red tails at least temporarily.
unless there is not a house within 2 miles of your house and you are 100% positive that no one is walking anywhere within 2 miles of your house this is simply a HORRIBLE idea. What goes up must come down. Know your target and beyond. I felt the same way when our VP said something similar. REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA and makes ALL gun owners look bad and irresponsible
unless there is not a house within 2 miles of your house and you are 100% positive that no one is walking anywhere within 2 miles of your house this is simply a HORRIBLE idea. What goes up must come down. Know your target and beyond. I felt the same way when our VP said something similar. REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA and makes ALL gun owners look bad and irresponsible

sorry stony, hence why I said if your in the country. and I am not irresponsible. I prepare for the worst and protect my family. and we are gun owners who practice in our back yard against a huge hill the runs the whole south end of my property. thank you for your opinion.
Holy ice! I hope this all melts today!

You guys did re-inspire me to try again with crocheting. I found a good tutorial that actually goes slow enough to follow.

Huntin fool do you sell the furs? I hear red fox went way up this year, someone in our area is paying $60-65/skin.

Well I spoke too soon before, my rooster has some bad frostbite. He's the only dum dum to sit right in front of the open vent on the west so I covered it up just high enough to block anything directly on him when he roosts up there. (I can't lower the roost) All the girls were at least smart enough to sit on the lower roost.
It looked like it was oozing a little last night but looked better this am. I put Iodine on it, spoiled everyone with warm oatmeal, garlic and oregano. I might try some coconut oil on it later.

While there are a few who join the swap who are really good, I always encourage newbies to just practice making the basic granny, if they choose and not stay away. I take all simple squares if they're unwanted.

So keep an eye out for a swap and meet some super nice people.
please dont shoot a .22 in the air! remember, what goes up, must come down. 1-1/2 to 2 miles is the distance a .22 round can travel. if you shot the gun into the ground or at a suitable target you would probably have the same effect. it may also be illegal to harass a hawk in such a way

please dont shoot a .22 in the air! remember, what goes up, must come down. 1-1/2 to 2 miles is the distance a .22 round can travel. if you shot the gun into the ground or at a suitable target you would probably have the same effect. it may also be illegal to harass a hawk in such a way

sorry house, i didnt see stonys post
i have never sold the furs before, although i might if its easy enough. i hear there is a guy in weedsport that buys fur. i'm just tired of seeing the turkeys dissappear and watching the coyotes harass the deer all season. we hunt a farm that has a big pack, i have seen seven coyotes at once chasing deer all over the fields. some days i would only see coyotes, no deer. this farm is right near suburbia,, so the 'yotes are smart and know how to survive.
Very dark and gloomy here with heavy rain. We are under a flood watch.

Crocheting is very easy but I was never able to teach my left handed mother. When I was 10 I bought yarn and a crochet needle from my sisters friend and taught myself. You don't know me but that proves how easy it is. I participated in a cancer "Blocks of Hope" granny square swap on here and haven't put the crochet needed or knitting needles down since. I'm hoping to add squares of more cancers and donate it to the oncology where my mother was. Someone asked me to make them one of these scarves and I've made at least a dozen in a month. Personally, I don't like them but they are fun and quick to make (and inexpensive) and everyone wants them. My next project is a green scarf that looks like a alligator (crochet).

Rancher, do you still have the Delaware's? Still would like to add a couple more this summer (egg or chick)

Personally, I like colors but most of them are neutrals.

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