NY chicken lover!!!!

Well come on over and let's get to it! Lol
I'll be there when ever you need me!
I can bring the tools!
I'd help you with yours so I knew what to do with mine. LOL
Alright so I came across this blog today of someone who built a hoop coop and the more I looked I at it and read about it I really liked it. So I began researching on how to build one of these contraptions and quickly became really frustrated. I read multiple times that these coops were "easy" to build and could be built for much less of a cost. I'm sorry but the cattle panels alone are $54 at TS. If I use three of those that's more than $150 right there. Now you're talking wood, screws, door/lock hardware, chicken wire or hardware mesh....I might as well pay someone to make me something the size I need! Sheesh! I was actually thinking of transforming two of the TS rabbit hutches/chicken coops into a large coop for the three orps. Still thinking about doing it but I'm wondering if it'd just be easier to waste more money on a small coop for them. Something similar to what they were in originally that the ducks are in now. I can see myself wasting all sorts of money on revamping this thing and then not being happy with it. So I might as well just buy another online coop.
That is nowhere NEAR what I paid for my cattle panels. In fact, just looking at the website I see they are still available for $21. I think you're looking at the wrong ones. My 3 hoop coop (link to which is on my profile) cost me no more than $200.

Edit: Here's the link. $21.99.
Edited by Pyxis - Today at 4:05 pm
Yes a 8x12 hoop coop cost me around 200 - 250 and remember it's 8'wx12'lx6'h so that would be 1500 for one built by someone else. It took me day I'm not expanding it on it the expansion is 6'wx12'lx6h but I also have been using scrap treated lumber and Home Depot cuts wood for ya that you bye for them!! For the size of what I have it's totally worth the price but it does take work. I found it easy though my ten year old son helped, it's just a lot of work. Some good advice from rancher is to find a used screen door to make it easy to put a door on.

But truth is it's not for everyone just do what is best for you.


that is cute that they followed you around and were bawking the whole time LOL


Would love to see you with your silkies!! LOL If I'm not mistaken Jlaw makes a great tin foil hat!!!
5 out of 7 hatched so far! the other two eggs haven't externally pipped yet. One is the egg that looked slow developing and the other is my dark green EE. I threw a bunch more water in there and closed it back up after pulling out the 5 that hatched between yesterday and today. One has a scrunched foot, I put it on cardboard with bandaids in a spread out the toes.

In the incubator ^

These two were calling out to each other and the red one would peck at the egg when the silver one called out.

In the brooder v

I think I have buddy sour chicks.

Also, this foot. I know its wrong but do you think a boot will fix it?

Good morning. I have icy places too. Didn't shovel my paths when it was so cold because the snow was so fine and blowing and drifting, then I figured it would melt...well now it is ice and styrofoam so I'm trying to be careful, not my usual way. Hope you didn't get hurt Lynzi. I bet the chickens were happy to be closed in with those bad things howling around.

Gramma, I had a hen in an apron that had parts that had wing covers, I got it from someone on the BYC site, Louise. ...can't remember the business name. It used elastic, and part went out over her wings and was a little padded. Earl has huge spurs now, it could be a painful spring.
I found it thanks ...

I picked up a dog t shirt at dollar tree going to try that tomorrow
oh that apron is a great idea so cute :) ! hope everyone is warm and inside.. winterwonderland today.. when I last had chickens I was in California. I was curious about this weather and chickens . I see they do well if given shelter and bedding, out of the wind etc..
5 out of 7 hatched so far! the other two eggs haven't externally pipped yet. One is the egg that looked slow developing and the other is my dark green EE. I threw a bunch more water in there and closed it back up after pulling out the 5 that hatched between yesterday and today. One has a scrunched foot, I put it on cardboard with bandaids in a spread out the toes.

In the incubator ^

These two were calling out to each other and the red one would peck at the egg when the silver one called out.

In the brooder v

I think I have buddy sour chicks.

Also, this foot. I know its wrong but do you think a boot will fix it?

Congrats on your Hatch :D what kind of little ones are those babies?
CNY located - Seneca/Tompkins County. Want to raise heritage turkeys and chickens. Would love to try incubating! Hoping to find some other heritage poultry people in my area.

Welcome and I too Tab are caught up for now!
Rancher do the hoopcoops warm up like a greenhouse does? I know in a greenhouse the ground warms the air also.
I love Star Trek .... If we could move our society to that type - no money, merit for jobs and such .... what a great society!

Pyxis - once you are done with the original - I have the whole first season of ST Next Generation you can borrow .... That is even better as a showcase of what humans could be ....
I love Star Trek .... If we could move our society to that type - no money, merit for jobs and such .... what a great society!

Pyxis - once you are done with the original - I have the whole first season of ST Next Generation you can borrow .... That is even better as a showcase of what humans could be ....
My Mom is a Trecky. She has the entire series of The Next Generation, to bad it is on VHS. If i remember correctly she wanted to sell it...Any Takers?

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