NY chicken lover!!!!

Morning all. When I left for work yesterday I could hear chirping from the silkie eggs in the bator but when I came home last night nothing. No pips, no chirping, nothing. Today is day 23. I will have to take them out and crack them open and see what happened. I do have 18 more ready to throw in the bator so I will start over again. I was so excited to have silkie babies. Hopefully this next batch will be better. Broody momma is still sitting on her eggs so hopefully I will have a bunch of chicks from her. Have to candle the eggs in the hovabator tonight and see if I have to pull any. RIR and mutt eggs in there. Lockdown is this weekend. Hoping for a good hatch from them.

Jlaw--nice to hear from you and that things are going okay. Hows the work on the house going? The good part of having so many chicks is that you can always fill your freezer and/or can all the extras. Thats what I will be doing!

Okay Stony...todays word is gizzard.

Later cheeps!
You can use crazy glue, or just tape. I taped one once, and it hatched.
Thanks Marquisella,

I went with crazy glue and elmer's glue on top of that. We'll see what happens.

BTW, did you add me to your wait list for next year? Refresh my memory, you had Brabanters, right?
morning everyone ..another rainy day here in Lakewood..i guess it beats all the snow ..the grounds starting to thaw atleast ..lawn needs major help ..lol..i got a stack of pallets dropped off and i need to get building a new coop or just make the one i have now bigger ..so much work and so little space between the rain drops ..

one more day and my new babys will be here ..

i have 5 welsummers pullets and one cockral

10 columbean wyandotte

15 mixed cochin bantys ..

the cochins are for a friend ..but i was thinking of trading here for a couple girls to use as brooding moms but read that the Wyandotte tend to broode well ..what do you all think ..should i trade her to have the brooding hen or just depend on the Wyandotte to get the job done ..
Welcome to all the new peeps!

Been busy this week already. Started this last weekend. Working on making a pond for my ducks and building my little girl ducks a safe house from the boys. The boys are a little too excited to be with them. The Pekin is big enough to hold her own against them, but my two little runner girls are still too little to handle their advances. The boys are a little too randy with spring in the air. So I'm building a new duck hut. The kids and I are calling it the Girls Only Duck Hut. Once the runner girls are big enough then I'm going to add an addition to the new house and move the boys in with the girls.Then I can do something else with the old one. I didn't build it as good as I would have liked so, I'll probably take it apart and make something else out of it. Who knows, maybe I'll rebuild it to make a grow out house for more ducks or chickens.
When I get a little farther in the project I'll post pics.
I can't wait to swing by marquisella's place a week from today to get my 3 younguns! I have been SO tempted to by some chicks at TSC but have been holding back. Oh wow, I just thought... Marquisella how do you brood your chicks? I use an ecoglow. If they aren't used to that I will have to train them a little. Shouldn't be too hard. Then of course there will be cheeping like crazy when it's lights out for the first few nights. If they are a couple weeks old it'll be harder on them, haha! I think I have a book light I can clip on the edge of the brooder.

Can you tell I'm excited?!

Yes ...I do lights out at night too . I cover them up .( either a blanket or a top on the bin ) so they are fine they keep themselves warm .
hi from upstate new york 15 miles from corwall ontario

Welcome ! Do you have chickens yet ?
Something Funny ! I bought some cheap cat food for my cat ...made him have a urinary attack .
So I decided to give it to the chickens ...It was hard so I added some water & mixed it with the sunflower seeds ..
Who knew - they are not treated ...they sprouted like crazy ..I have some planted out doors too covered with plastic .
Couldnt give them to the chickens they were molded some

Got 8 eggs yesterday ! Does the teeny tiny one Count ?
LOL I dont have any new egg layers..could be TT she just came off broody .
Laid normal eggs a few days ago ..I guess that one was on the express lay ...

STONY -GIZZARD - Interesting Tune...
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