NY chicken lover!!!!

I liked that one Stony. I replied to yesterdays find but it didnt post. I like blues but that one didnt really do anything for me. I like the older blues music. The girl singing the song didnt have what I call an almost touchable feeling in her voice. i like that about the older blues, you know what I mean? That soulful, almost touchable feeling in the voice, with such power behind it that it was a tangible thing.

Lynzi--I will say it has been a weird hatching year this year. Now I just lost the three eggs in my brinsea. I heard peeping when I left for work that day and then nothing. No silkies hatched. Weird because that bator gave me fabulous hatches last year. I am waiting to see how the hatch goes with my broody silkie. I did reload the brinsea with 20 more silkie eggs so we shall see if having more eggs in it makes a difference.

Marquisella--I find my bator will fluctuate .6 degrees depending on the temp of the room they are in. I have it in the warmest room of the house but temps in that room can fluctuate depending on the weather. So far it hasnt been a problem for hatching as it is regulated by an electronic monitor and is never more that .6 below optimum. I know rancher mentioned that room temp can affect incubator temps. So far I have had good hatches so I will continue to use that room.

Egg songs are abundant! Sounds like another good day of laying!
I liked that one Stony. I replied to yesterdays find but it didnt post. I like blues but that one didnt really do anything for me. I like the older blues music. The girl singing the song didnt have what I call an almost touchable feeling in her voice. i like that about the older blues, you know what I mean? That soulful, almost touchable feeling in the voice, with such power behind it that it was a tangible thing.
yeah I agree. Blues is my favorite music. Old or new if done right. And those boys from The Black Crowes really know how to make it work! Too bad they end up in fist fights like the Davies brothers from the Kinks. As the Robinson Brothers really play music well together. With The Black Crowes or just the 2 of them like I posted above!
Quote: Your probably right, its the LG. I won one in an auction. I couldn't get it to keep the correct temps. I have it sitting inn case of an emergency, but I just bought a new digital Genesis so I doubt I'll ever use it. Brinseas are supposed to be very good.
Your probably right, its the LG. I won one in an auction. I couldn't get it to keep the correct temps. I have it sitting inn case of an emergency, but I just bought a new digital Genesis so I doubt I'll ever use it. Brinseas are supposed to be very good.

I am very happy with my Brinsea so far. The only issue I've had with it so far with hatches is some eggs not developing at all, so that is the egg not the Brinsea in my opinion. Like Pharm had mentioned earlier it could have been that temps were too cold that day and just ruined the egg's fertility. Because these two recent eggs did make it to the end and one did hatch. Hopefully things will change now that the warmer temps are here.
Quote: Good luck, I'm having my first hatch in the old Redwood next week. I haven't candled them cause I don't have a dark place in the barn. And for a couple of days, the heat went up to 102, so maybe they got baked...afraid to look...LOL
Have Geese eggs due to hatch next week, but have them in my Sportsman, don't want to experiment with the redwood with those eggs, no sir!
Morning All,
Candled the 13 eggs that went into the LG a few days ago...I think at the most 2-3 are developing. I don't know why I can't incubate in that think. Most of the Orp eggs have blood rings in them again, that always seems to happen too. What the heck causes that!?! Owell. At least I finally for an egg from the third female duck! (It's the green one in the middle)


This is my LG I bought last year...I wanted to give it one more try before chucking it. Thought I would try a "dry hatch" in it with 13 eggs - Orp and Silkie eggs this time and it's like nothing happened at all. I have a hygrometer in there reading 20% for humidity just like I have in my Brinsea and the temp stays at 99 degrees, give or take a degree. I just don't have luck with that thing so I'm done with it. I started it while I still had eggs in the Brinsea. Today I have 5 duck eggs, 2 from yesterday, 3 from today that are going into the Brinsea. I have no idea if they are fertile or not, I couldn't really tell when I cracked them open last week and looked at some. The dots don't really look the same as they do on chicken eggs.

Enjoy your day off! It's supposed to get really warm today, in the 60's I believe. Not sure if that's the case in your neck of the woods but enjoy it anyway! :)

Toss that LG I gave one and if you watch it the stupid things don't hold temps worth a beans. I originally got it for the kids to hatch with so of course they were looking in the window of it all the time not opening but just looking in the window at the eggs which is where you could see the thermometer I placed in it and numerous times it would drop down to like 95 or if it was warm during the day it would raise up to 104. I have numerous incubators and my most favorite is my brinesa or my hovabator that is digital with the fan. Although I think I am just a little more partial to the brinesa and get better hatches I have 3 of the brinesa and they are worth it if I want to hatch silkies I put the eggs in there I usually get hatch rates close to 100%. Also not sure about your ducks because mine have the same bullseye that chicken eggs do when they are fertile. My ducks just started laying again about 3 weeks ago and for a week I opened the eggs with nothing the next 4 days I opened them and they all had the bullseye so gathered some put them in the bator and candled them all last night all of them have great veining so if yours don't have the bullseye they probably aren't fertile.
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Toss that LG I gave one and if you watch it the stupid things don't hold temps worth a beans. I originally got it for the kids to hatch with so of course they were looking in the window of it all the time not opening but just looking in the window at the eggs which is where you could see the thermometer I placed in it and numerous times it would drop down to like 95 or if it was warm during the day it would raise up to 104. I have numerous incubators and my most favorite is my brinesa or my hovabator that is digital with the fan. Although I think I am just a little more partial to the brinesa and get better hatches I have 3 of the brinesa and they are worth it if I want to hatch silkies I put the eggs in there I usually get hatch rates close to 100%. Also not sure about your ducks because mine have the same bullseye that chicken eggs do when they are fertile. My ducks just started laying again about 3 weeks ago and for a week I opened the eggs with nothing the next 4 days I opened them and they all had the bullseye so gathered some put them in the bator and candled them all last night all of them have great veining so if yours don't have the bullseye they probably aren't fertile.

I'll have to crack tomorrow's duck eggs open and see if they look any different from last weeks eggs. I put 5 in the brinsea this morning so we'll see. Maybe I'll get lucky. Hey, maybe I'll get lucky and be a pro at hatching ducks instead of chicken eggs!

I'm definitely chucking this LG. I'll just stick to my Brinsea. I'm saving up some Orpington eggs to send out to someone as a "test batch" of shipped eggs. I offered up 10+ for free yesterday on FB to the first person who commented so if she gets these eggs and is successful at hatching them - any of them for that matter, then it has DEFINITELY been nothing but my LG this whole time.

before I let the girls do all of my hatching I used 2 LG's. And would again in a heart beat if I were to hatch Sumatra's to sell. I put the LG in a plywood box slightly larger than the LG itself, insulate around the base and keep it in a room with a stable temperature. Always had good steady temps and good hatches.

I think it is like anything. Put the time in to figure it out and it works. LG would not have the market share of the retail business if they never worked.

Plus brand bashing really annoys me. My .02
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TOB, I usually mix the carrots into the warm oatmeal. They do eat the peelings on their own, maybe mine just like their veggies!
I'm looking forward to another Miss Chumley column! Maybe she can discuss egg decorating!

Hmmmm....Miss Chum might have some pearls of wisdom to share again some time soon...stay tuned.

Also, feel free to "Ask Miss Chumley" anything that's on your mind and I will relay your question to her.

 before I let the girls do all of my hatching I used 2 LG's. And would again in a heart beat if I were to hatch Sumatra's to sell. I put the LG in a plywood box slightly larger than the LG itself, insulate around the base and keep it in a room with a stable temperature. Always had good steady temps and good hatches. 

   I think it is like anything. Put the time in to figure it out and it works. LG would not have the market share of the retail business if they never worked. 

  Plus brand bashing really annoys me. My .02

I'm not necessarily bashing the LG, because I know very well it works great for others and that's what frustrates me. I can't get it working properly for my hatches. I've tried it in different rooms, different times of the year, dry hatches, adding water to it to get humidity in the 30's. Nothing has worked. So it's just not for me. If anyone is interested in it I will gladly ship it you for free if you pay shipping. ;-)

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