NY chicken lover!!!!

This is what we have been hatching lately Showgirl Silkies.

And she or He is working it ...show that leg Girl ?
Well TT is broody again ..I gave her 4 eggs this time maybe 2 will hatch ?
she is so cute she responds to me talking to her ..like she is having a conversation ..LOL
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We were just talking to someone about the poultry shown for 4Her's this year. I was told many of the 4h groups did meat birds a way to generate funds for the groups. The birds are sold off at the end of the fair and the money goes to the 4h groups. Our discussion was actually centered on the Broome County fair.

I can see using market animals to raise funds, but overall participation seems down too :( there didn't seem to be any animals other than the ones for the market sale.

One thing I'd like to see at these fairs is cows other than Holsteins.

We are a primarily Holstein herd, but he took 2 Jerseys to show. His fiancé is a Jersey lover. Also at the fair are Ayshire, Brown Swiss, Shorthorn. And a couple white faced beefers. The Fair brings the local Holstein showmen though, Cortland County has some bigwigs.
Now if you go to State Fair, one week is only Holstein, the other week is the color breeds.

4H kids have to be 5 by January 1st. Cloverbuds are 5 to 8, Junior 9 to 13, and Seniors 14-19.

Thanks, guess I have to wait another 2 years then, she just turned 4.
She can start next year. The 4H year begins in October. She will be 5 by then, right?

She just turned 4 earlier in July. So can show in the 2016 BC Fair. I know the cattle is both 4-H and open show, but think the poultry was 4-H only. If there is an open division, I will take some myself ( just not the nearly naked frizzle). A friend of ours shows in the Cortland Fair, in prior years she has brought extra birds just to fill the cages, so that it at least looks full to the public. Between her 2 boys and another borrowing her birds for 4-H, she had 27 birds in the fair this year. Thankfully she lives 5 mins from the grounds.
Suppose I should start focusing on one breed if we get into shows, although I enjoy my random mix.
I don't think I'll be getting any eggs today. I was cleaning the coop and something scared the birds so badly 10 of them plus the keets ran into the coop. (Even the Pekin duck did...she NEVER goes in the coop, esp if I want her to) The only ones who stayed out were the males....roo and drake. Even the ducklings hid behind their enclosure and the juvies ran inside their part of the coop.

It took my 1/2 an hour to get all of them back out of the coop so I could finish cleaning.

I couldn't see anything wrong, there was no loud sound. Everyone is accounted for, so I don't think it was a hawk attack.

I have a ghost on my property. Do you think THAT would scare them that badly? It was the weirdest thing that has happened around here in a Looooong time. (2 years ago keys kept getting moved from where we left them. But nothing since then)
Well I got asked to be on the 4-h comity next year. Only problem is everything happens while I'm at work I have to burn vacation for the fair and all the kids meetings already I don't have enough vacation for extra comity meetings. That's leaving like no vacation for a real vacation also. From what I hear there is only one comity member that is going to stay all others aint doing it next year. Even if I had the vacation I have no idea what I would be doing really. Guess i'll really have to push to get onto a different shift like I've been trying for the past 6 months.

Glad today is last day of fair I'm so tired of driving all around. But at least the kids had fun.
well heres the bird that caught my eye at the fair..check out the comb color and the feet.i guess these are not very good pics ..sorry...the comb waddle are a blue to purple color and blue feet and legs and blue earlobs...i thought it looked like it may have some polish or some other fancy bird mixed in with the feathers being so fluffy ..any guess's of what breed..i no it didnt say on its tag on the cage but then most of the birds tags were very limited in info..which i think the keeps should put more info in for the public to understand what it is we are looking at ..alot of birds had no id info at all..just the owners name..
there were some very large birds there this yr ..they said rir on the cage but it seem like it was huge for a rir..

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I wanted to get my kids into 4-h just no idea or what they can show .... We have 2 baby bottle jerseys ... 2 peacocks... Three alpacas .... 20 chickens and a crazy un rideable horse lol lol this is why it's called misfit acres lol lol .... How do they sign up and what can you show?
well heres the bird that caught my eye at the fair..check out the comb color and the feet.i guess these are not very good pics ..sorry...the comb waddle are a blue to purple color and blue feet and legs and blue earlobs...i thought it looked like it may have some polish or some other fancy bird mixed in with the feathers being so fluffy ..any guess's of what breed..i no it didnt say on its tag on the cage but then most of the birds tags were very limited in info..which i think the keeps should put more info in for the public to understand what it is we are looking at ..alot of birds had no id info at all..just the owners name.. there were some very large birds there this yr ..they said rir on the cage but it seem like it was huge for a rir..
That is a show quality silkie by the looks of the pictures but I would have to see the feet better
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