NY chicken lover!!!!

well heres the bird that caught my eye at the fair..check out the comb color and the feet.i guess these are not very good pics ..sorry...the comb waddle are a blue to purple color and blue feet and legs and blue earlobs...i thought it looked like it may have some polish or some other fancy bird mixed in with the feathers being so fluffy ..any guess's of what breed..i no it didnt say on its tag on the cage but then most of the birds tags were very limited in info..which i think the keeps should put more info in for the public to understand what it is we are looking at ..alot of birds had no id info at all..just the owners name..
there were some very large birds there this yr ..they said rir on the cage but it seem like it was huge for a rir..

That's the one I called the dinosaur. It was labeled as bantam silkie. But it has a single comb and if I remember correctly few or no leg leg/feet feathers. And the thing was huge it was bigger than my red sex links I have here at home. It was ether a TSC silkie or someone is trying to breed them bigger. I was impressed with the size if they got the comb and leg/feet feathering it would have been nice. I wasn't expecting the skin to be so dark or the 5 toes per foot when I saw the size of it with a straight comb. If it was a make silkies bigger project I hope to see how it goes in a few years.

If I remember correctly this was an open class entry not a 4-h person. Their tags are small and harder to read. They are labeled as how they are entered like silkie,white,bantam. I'll try to remember to check it out when I go back and pick up our birds today.

Edit: it was also on the person showing to label their tags for 4-h like on ours we put buff bearded silkie to label ours. Also unless it blew off that did have a tag on it saying bantam silkie on there. Only problem is people touching the tags/cages and birds tends to mess stuff up. One person was poking birds with a straw from his big sports cup they had to watch him and tell him to stop.

I wanted to get my kids into 4-h just no idea or what they can show .... We have 2 baby bottle jerseys ... 2 peacocks... Three alpacas .... 20 chickens and a crazy un rideable horse lol lol this is why it's called misfit acres lol lol .... How do they sign up and what can you show?

Here is your county 4-h office Medina New York https://cceorleans.shutterfly.com/4h . Ok the price might be different than down here but for us it cost $50.00 per child to join 4-h. You can join different clubs like we are in a crafting club that meets once a month and the kids make something. I don't think you have to do that though. But they have whats called project classes where kids will learn stuff. We joined the poultry project and the kids learn about chickens in there. To show in our fair with 4-h you have to make at least 5 of the classes i think it is, (you can show open just wont be in with the 4-h group or do the showmanship). Our poultry meetings are once a month. 4-H starts in oct not jan that's a key thing to remember. Each project has its own rules and stuff also. Like poultry we didn't bring in any chickens, but rabbits they bring theirs in and work with them there. Our rabbit group said you don't need a rabbit at start but you need one by jan 1st. We had a peacock there at fair but we didn't talk about them in the poultry that I know of nor the ducks that was there also. We joined late and that's probably why we seemed so lost all year and during the fair.

You will have to check out the website to see what programs are there for you in your area. after looking at your local site seems they have another site they are going to be using http://cceorleans.org/home/4h/ .
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I tryed to quote ppl but said I all ready posted it so it is true about the $8 sandwich and still be hungry I spent like 40 on food and still want more . someone my gf works with said that they didn't putvhis kids in 4 h cuz they don't do many animals in Chautauqua co when hevasked said theyvdo dog and a few animals. I just don't were how dog can teach what 4h is about they pretty much clean up after themselves
I use to work with girl that said her daughter had meat birds for 4h in Erie co and sold them for 50$ a lb all the money goes to club
Well it's official, we'll be moving Aug 7th/8th into our new place. Movers are coming to the house Aug 7th, I'll follow them out and meet them and my husband at our new house on Aug 8th. DH left a little while ago to go to his hotel for the night in MA and start his new job tomorrow. We signed out papers for the house today. Definitely a bittersweet day. It's all starting to hit me now. Here's to hoping these next two weeks go by quickly so our family can all be together again!
Quote: $50 is outrageous! Our 4H is $15.00. Sign ups for all 4H is October. Contact your local 4H office & talk to the person in charge. I think that the "club" person you talked to might charge $50, but 4H itself is only $15. Ask what clubs there are, and then decide if you want to join one. Kids can be independant members and not belong to a club. Call your local 4H office & ask them.

About that supposed "silkie". It has so many disqualifying faults it isn't funny. Wrong comb, wrong feet. Silkies have walnut combs, not straight combs, and 5 toes with feathers coming down the leg and the 3 outer toes. Combs & wattles are dark mulberry colored, ears are bright sky blue. all skin is black.
I tryed to quote ppl but said I all ready posted it so it is true about the $8 sandwich and still be hungry I spent like 40 on food and still want more . someone my gf works with said that they didn't putvhis kids in 4 h cuz they don't do many animals in Chautauqua co when hevasked said theyvdo dog and a few animals. I just don't were how dog can teach what 4h is about they pretty much clean up after themselves
I use to work with girl that said her daughter had meat birds for 4h in Erie co and sold them for 50$ a lb all the money goes to club
They do dog obedience trainning and conformation training.
That is a show quality silkie by the looks of the pictures but I would have to see the feet better

Far from it. Look at that big ol single comb
well heres the bird that caught my eye at the fair..check out the comb color and the feet.i guess these are not very good pics ..sorry...the comb waddle are a blue to purple color and blue feet and legs and blue earlobs...i thought it looked like it may have some polish or some other fancy bird mixed in with the feathers being so fluffy ..any guess's of what breed..i no it didnt say on its tag on the cage but then most of the birds tags were very limited in info..which i think the keeps should put more info in for the public to understand what it is we are looking at ..alot of birds had no id info at all..just the owners name..
there were some very large birds there this yr ..they said rir on the cage but it seem like it was huge for a rir..

Well it's official, we'll be moving Aug 7th/8th into our new place. Movers are coming to the house Aug 7th, I'll follow them out and meet them and my husband at our new house on Aug 8th. DH left a little while ago to go to his hotel for the night in MA and start his new job tomorrow. We signed out papers for the house today. Definitely a bittersweet day. It's all starting to hit me now. Here's to hoping these next two weeks go by quickly so our family can all be together again!

I hope all goes well.
Lynzi, you are going to be one busy woman, to get it all done. I love your strength in moving forward! You will all be together soon, and what a lot you have accomplished already! You must keep us updated as you make the move and get settled. If you need unskilled labor, let me know!

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